Strokill Prime

Strokill Prime, situated in the Outer Rim Territories, was a waterworld where the Galactic Empire maintained an underwater base. Lee-Char, the king of the Mon Calamari, was held as a prisoner within Strokill Prime's base; however, he met his death at the hands of stormtroopers during an attempted rescue mission by the Rebel Alliance.


The surface of Strokill Prime

Strokill Prime, found in a system featuring a single star within the Outer Rim Territories, was predominantly covered by expansive oceans, with icebergs scattered throughout the water. Its seabed was solid, characterized by rocky formations. The waters of Strokill Prime were inhabited by creatures known as Opee sea killers.

The planet functioned as a [prison](/article/prison] world for the Galactic Empire, who operated from an Imperial base located beneath the water's surface. Numerous atolls, serving as defensive platforms, orbited the planet, ensuring the security of the Imperial detention facility.


Following the Imperial occupation of Mon Cala, the Mon Calamari King, Lee-Char, was captured by the Galactic Empire and subsequently imprisoned within the Strokill Prime base. At some point during his confinement, his health declined to the point where he required life support systems to sustain him.

As part of a mission aimed at enlisting the Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet to their cause, Princess Leia Organa and her team of rebels, including Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and the Wookiee Chewbacca, journeyed to Strokill Prime with the intention of rescuing Lee-Char. They captured Tan Hubi, Moff of the Calamari sector, to infiltrate the Imperial base, planning to use his biosignature for atmospheric entry without triggering the orbiting atoll defenses.

The rebels approach the Imperial base.

After successfully avoiding an Opee sea killer, they gained entry to the base and located Lee-Char, observing the life-sustaining machinery connected to him. As Lee-Char recorded a message for his people, Hubi secretly activated the base's alert system, leading to stormtroopers storming the cell and opening fire. Both Lee-Char and Hubi were killed during the ensuing firefight, while Organa and her team managed to escape with the recording, which was then received by Regent Dors Urtya.


The Galactic Empire ran a heavily guarded prison facility on Strokill Prime, deeply submerged within the planet's ocean. Passing the orbiting atoll defenses and entering the base itself required successful completion of a security check.

Behind the scenes

Strokill Prime made its debut in Star Wars (2015) 46, a canon comic authored by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Salvador Larroca, and released on April 4, 2018.

