Sweetwater was a drink that came in a bottle and was dished out in a glass stein at a bar that sat just outside the city limits of Tahv. Tahv was the capital of the planet Kesh, located in the Wild Space region, and home to the Sith people. One evening in 3960 BBY, the Human Jelph Marrian, parched and famished, walked into the bar as Kesh's sun dipped below the horizon. The Keshiri bartender of the establishment poured a mug of sweetwater for him, and also provided a bowl of porridge. Observing Marrian's distress over a relationship issue, the bartender offered him the remaining sweetwater from the bottle, though Marrian remained silent. Marrian, secretly a Jedi, had been chasing his love interest, the Sith Orielle Kitai, since the previous day's evening. Kitai had rushed to Tahv from Marrian's rural farm after discovering the hidden Jedi starfighter there. Despite wanting to forget the entire ordeal, Marrian knew sweetwater wouldn't erase his memories. He still drank the mug of sweetwater deeply, replenishing his strength before heading out to confront Kitai in Tahv.
Sweetwater makes an appearance in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel, a 2011 eBook and the sixth entry in the Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith series, penned by John Jackson Miller.