Swoop, designated Blue Six, was later promoted to Group Two Leader within the Galactic Republic Navy's Blue Squadron. Initially, he was a clone trooper pilot. He and his entire squadron participated in the Battle of Ryloth with the objective of ending the ongoing blockade.

Swoop, like every other clone trooper in the Republic Military, was created by the Kaminoans with the explicit purpose of serving the Galactic Republic. During 22 BBY, he was deployed to the Battle of Ryloth alongside the rest of Blue Squadron. The squadron, under the leadership of Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, tried to overcome the Separatist blockade that surrounded the planet. When Separatist backup forces entered the [system](/article/ryloth_system], Commander Tano, ignoring orders from Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Admiral Wullf Yularen to immediately return to the Resolute, dangerously prolonged the squadron's presence. He survived this engagement, and later joined Ahsoka's second attack on the blockade with the other survivors, serving as Group Two Leader.