The Sy Myrthians, a sentient species originating from the planet Sy Myrth, possessed a unique form of locomotion, moving on a singular, large appendage resembling a "foot," akin to the Hutts. Their bodies were covered with a coat of short [fur](/article/hair], and they were characterized by their extended, elongated heads. Subsequently, a segment of the Sy Myrthian population aligned themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems; however, not all Sy Myrthians became adherents of Count Dooku's cause. A region of the galaxy was designated as Sy Myrthian space.
During 14 BBY, the freighter Reticent had a crew composed of three individuals, two of whom were Sy Myrthians. After experiencing a hyperspace accident within the Obroa-skai system, they, along with their Koorivar captain, were apprehended by the forces of the Galactic Empire. The Sy Myrthian [navigator](/article/navigator] experienced a fatal heart failure while being interrogated by Darth Vader.