Unidentified Koorivar captain

This captain, a member of the Koorivar species, was the owner of a YT-1000 freighter known as the Reticent. He made use of it to transport a variety of goods throughout the galaxy. Accompanying him were two Sy Myrthian crew members, one of whom was a navigator. The Koorivar captain acquired the freighter from Knotts, a human information broker on Lantillies, three years prior to the insurgency led by Berch Teller. Knotts was part of Teller's rebel cell. Following the Battle in the Phindar system, Knotts dispatched the Koorivar captain and his vessel to the Obroa-skai system as a diversion, aiming to mislead the Galactic Empire and conceal Teller's location. However, Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Darth Vader apprehended the Reticent and its crew. Through interrogation, they extracted information from the captain about Knotts and Teller's rebel group.


Itinerant merchant

The life of the Koorivar captain spanned both the Clone Wars and the Imperial Era. As a Koorivar, the Galactic Empire held prejudice against him due to his species' support for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Koorivar captain had two Sy Myrthian crew including a navigator. Around 17 BBY, he and his crew obtained the YT-1000 freighter Reticent from a ship dealer on Lantillies using funds borrowed from Knotts, an information broker who previously worked for Republic Intelligence and had joined Berch Teller's rebel cell. For the subsequent three years, the Koorivar captain and his crew operated as freelancers and traveling merchants for Knotts.

Teller's insurgency

In 14 BBY, the captain and his crew found themselves involved in Teller's insurgent campaign against the Empire. Motivated by revenge against Moff Wilhuff Tarkin for his involvement in the Antar Atrocity, Teller and his followers had commandeered Tarkin's corvette, the Carrion Spike, and utilized it to launch attacks on Imperial facilities across the galaxy. Following the ordeal above Phindar, Cala, a Koorivar and follower of Teller, discovered that the Empire was using a paralight tracker to monitor them.

Teller instructed the Carrion Spike's hyperdrive computer to transmit coordinates indicating a course towards the Obroa-skai system. However, Teller also arranged for Knotts to dispatch a decoy vessel. The information broker tasked the Koorivar captain with traveling from Taris, a world in the Outer Rim, to the planet Thustra to acquire replacement parts for a fleet of Sephi flyers. These flyers had been sold in bulk to an Obroa-skai emergency medevac center at the conclusion of the Clone Wars. The Koorivar captain, unaware of Knott's association with Teller's insurgents, accepted the assignment. The plan was for him and his crew to then proceed to Taanab to procure foodstuffs.

Upon their arrival in the Obroa-skai system, the Reticent and its crew were caught in a massive hyperspace accident. Believing that the insurgents were heading to Obroa-skai, Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader deployed three interdictor vessels. However, a malfunction in the gravity well projector of one of the interdictors, an Immobilizer 418 cruiser, triggered an accident that resulted in the deaths of 1,100 individuals aboard the luxury liner Stellar Vista. Tarkin and Vader determined that the Reticent was the first vessel to emerge from hyperspace and subsequently detained the ship and its crew.

Imperial entanglements

The Koorivar captain was made to strip and was then restrained with magnetic cuffs to a containment field aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Executrix. These cuffs were designed to monitor his vital signs. Initially, Darth Vader subjected the captain to torture using the dark side of the Force, but Tarkin intervened, suggesting that the captain be given an opportunity to speak. The captain maintained that he was merely a merchant who had traveled to Obroa-skai for business purposes. Vader countered by accusing him of conspiracy and sabotage.

The Koorivar insisted that his intentions were purely commercial and argued that not all Koorivar were Separatists. When Tarkin pressed him on this point, the captain responded that the Empire was exacting retribution for the war, indiscriminately punishing both the innocent and the guilty. Tarkin then questioned the captain's opinion on the Separatists' decision to secede from the Galactic Republic. The captain replied that he avoided taking sides to remain neutral. Tarkin remarked that the captain lacked a homeworld and that the Koorivar species had once been without a planet.

Despite the merchant's insistence on his honesty, Vader accused him of lying and demanded that he confess to pledging allegiance to the Separatist Alliance and to conspiring with those seeking retribution. Tarkin then inquired about the broker who had provided him with leads. The Koorivar identified Knotts and confirmed that he had been working for the broker for the past three years. The captain also verified that Knotts had provided him and his crew with the credits necessary to purchase the Reticent.

The captain further confirmed that Knotts had instructed him to travel from Taris to Thustra to deliver Sephi flyers to Obroa-skai. When questioned, the Koorivar confirmed that he had no direct contact with Knotts and that the supplies were readily available on the ground on Thustra. The captain claimed that he had attempted to ignore Teller's propaganda holovids, prompting Tarkin to remark that he was naive. Vader then proposed torturing the Koorivar captain, suspecting that he was withholding information. Tarkin agreed to Vader's suggestion, and the captain was taken away to the detention center, screaming in protest.

Following the interrogation of the captain and his Sy Myrthian crew, Vader concluded that the crew of the Reticent were not affiliated with Teller's rebel cell. However, the Sy Myrthian navigator suffered heart failure as a result of the harsh interrogation and torture. Based on the captain's information regarding Knotts, Tarkin discovered that Knotts was connected to Berch Teller, a disgruntled Republic Intelligence officer, and his rebel group. This information enabled the Imperials to locate the Carrion Spike and suppress Teller's insurgents.

Personality and traits

The Koorivar captain, like others of his species, possessed a cranial horn. While the majority of his species had supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Koorivar captain was indifferent to politics, focusing instead on earning a living as a traveling merchant. He was without a permanent residence and traversed the galaxy aboard his starship, the Reticent. The Koorivar captain displayed fear during his interrogation by Lord Vader and Tarkin but maintained his story that he was a simple traveling merchant with no interest in political matters. He was terrified when Lord Vader wanted to ascertain he was telling the truth through torture.

Behind the scenes

The Koorivar captain, whose name remains unknown, made his initial appearance in James Luceno's 2014 Canon novel, Tarkin.

