
The vessel known as the Reticent was classified as a YT-1000 light freighter. A Koorivar captain was its owner, and he employed two Sy Myrthian individuals as crew members. The year 14 BBY saw the Reticent become involved in Berch Teller's endeavor when Knotts, an information broker, dispatched them as false targets into the Obroa-skai system. Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Darth Vader were responsible for the capture of both the ship and its crew.


Being a YT-1000 light freighter, the Reticent possessed a round structure, featuring an outrigger cockpit nestled between two rectangular mandibles. Located beneath the cockpit was a cargo ramp. The Reticent transported various goods, including tools, medical provisions, bolts of fabric, imitation jewelry, alcoholic drinks, and components for droids. Its hyperdrive capabilities were less advanced than those of a Class Five system.


Around the time of the Imperial Era, the Reticent's age was approximately one hundred years. Back in 17 BBY, the ship's Koorivar commander and the pair of Sy Myrthian crew members acquired the vessel from Knotts, an information dealer situated on Lantillies and associated with the insurgent Berch Teller. In 14 BBY, after stealing Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's ship, the Carrion Spike, Teller launched a campaign of swift attacks against the Empire. Following the Battle in the Phindar system, Teller discovered that the Empire was tracking the Carrion Spike using a paralight tracker. To throw off his Imperial pursuers, Teller instructed Knotts to dispatch a decoy ship, a corvette that was the property of his adversary Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, to the Obroa-skai system in place of the stolen Carrion Spike.

Knotts engaged the Koorivar captain and his crew to collect replacement parts for a squadron of Sephi flyers at Thustra and then proceed to an emergency medvac center in Obroa-skai. Knotts supplied the crew of the Reticent with the coordinates transmitted by the Carrion Spike. Subsequently, the Reticent found itself involved in a significant hyperspace accident within the Obroa-skai system, triggered by a malfunction in one of Tarkin's interdictor vessels. Although the Reticent and its crew survived the incident, they were subsequently tractor beamed onto the Imperial Star Destroyer known as Executrix.

Sergeant Crest, along with other stormtroopers, conducted an inspection of the Reticent, while Tarkin and Darth Vader interrogated the Koorivar captain and the Sy Myrthian crew. The Sy Myrthian navigator suffered a heart attack as a result of Vader's severe questioning. Through questioning the Koorivar captain, Tarkin and Vader gained knowledge of Knotts, which led them to the rest of Teller's rebel cell.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of the Reticent was in James Luceno's 2014 canon novel titled Tarkin.

