The comic story called "Tales of Villainy: Trade Relations" first appeared as the second story in Star Wars Adventures (2020) 8. Danny Lore penned the story, while Arianna Florean and Ronda Pattison provided the illustrations. IDW Publishing released it on August 18, 2021.
On Rylorii Minor, a neutral mining planet situated in the Western Reaches, a Republic Senator observes that one of the three clone troopers disembarking from a gunship appears quite anxious. Another trooper explains to the Senator that ‘Jumpy’ can't help his nervousness, a trait that earned him his nickname due to his excessive alertness. The Senator, a human female, attempts to reassure Jumpy, stating that their mission is simply to finalize a trade agreement. This agreement would involve exchanging materials from the planet's mine for unrestricted passage through Republic space. However, when the Senator expresses her gratitude to Mayor Lup for their meeting, Lup expresses his displeasure, noting that Rylorii Minor is supposedly inconsequential to the Republic. Despite the Senator's denial, Lup asserts his awareness of the council's vote and his commitment to upholding his people's wishes.
As the two parties attempt to reconcile their differences, a cloaked figure within the crowd activates an electro-baton. However, the clones swiftly move the Senator to safety, realizing that the intended target was Mayor Lup and his associate. As the assailant attempts to escape through the crowd, Jumpy gives chase and shoots down a hovering droid carrying a load of rock from the mines, which then falls onto the assassin, halting his escape. Jumpy then apprehends the man. Upon examining the assassin's cloak, he determines it originates from Coruscant. Overhearing this, Mayor Lup erupts in anger, accusing the Republic of attempting to assassinate him and refusing to listen to the Senator's explanations. While receiving medical attention from a clone trooper, Lup's associate defends the Republic, pointing out that they had saved them, and a Republic sanctioned hit would have been more effective. The Senator supports this statement, emphasizing that the Republic has no motive to harm him, especially while seeking to establish trade relations. When she offers a clone as Lup's bodyguard, he declines, fearing that it would only allow an "assassin to sit at his shoulder" and storms off in frustration.
Later, the three clones are seated outside a building where the Senator and Lup are engaged in a meeting. The associate brings them water and apologizes for the difficulties, explaining that Lup is frustrated because Rylorii Minor's economy depends on the deal. When clone CT2 mentions the Mayor's apparent disinterest in the agreement, Jumpy suggests that there may be another reason for his reluctance, noting the suspicious timing. He also finds it odd that a professional assassin would not target the more important politicians. Suddenly, three cloaked assassins descend from above, attacking the group. One assassin takes the associate hostage and flees on a speeder. While CT2 and the other clone engage the remaining assassins, Jumpy pursues the captured associate on another speeder. Upon catching up, he asks if she can drive the speeder. However, overwhelmed by the chaos, she doesn't understand his question. Jumpy then pushes the assassin off the speeder and incapacitates him on the ground. Once the conflict is resolved, the three assassins are apprehended. The associate informs Lup that all of them are local, expressing relief that they have sufficient evidence to prove the Republic was not involved in the kidnapping attempt, allowing them to proceed with the trade agreement. The agreement is eventually finalized, and the Senator and clones depart Rylorii Minor. Meanwhile, the associate secretly contacts Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatists. She reports the situation, noting the enemy's departure and the agreement's completion, and informs him of her new role overseeing trade logistics. Dooku then instructs her to continue using the encrypted channel to provide updates on the situation.
The location Rylorii Minor is mistakenly referenced as Arkania Minor at one point by an aide.