Talvee Chawin

Talvee Chawin, most famously known as the Thorn, was a crime lord of the Iktotchi species. He operated out of Level 1313 on the planet Coruscant around the time of the Battle of Endor, specifically 4 ABY.


Operating on Coruscant, Chawin was an Iktotchi crime lord. His gang consisted of at least five individuals, including himself, two guards, Jak, and Lazula.

A youngling named Jak, who was a Rebel, rescued Chawin's woman, Lazula, from the Coruscant police's grasp. Following this, Jak received a card that allowed him to meet with Chawin on Level 1313 of the Coruscant Underworld. Around the time of the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, which resulted in the death of the Emperor, Jak visited Chawin to negotiate for an EMP. Subsequently, he provided it to the Anklebiter Brigade, the group of young people Jak was a part of. They planned to use it as a diversion against Imperial forces. These forces were vying for control of CoCo Town against the Rebel Alliance. As payment for the EMP, Jak committed to working for Chawin.

Personality and traits

Level 1313, where Chawin's headquarters were located.

Chawin's behavior demonstrates his stubbornness, as he insisted on receiving something in return for the weapon he gave to Jak. Jak speculated that the nickname "the Thorn" may have originated from one of Chawin's horns being broken, while the other curved around his chin and protruded outward. Jak also considered the possibility that he was called "the Thorn" because he was "a thorn in the Empire's side."

Behind the scenes

Talvee Chawin's initial appearance was as a supporting character in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel, titled Aftermath. The novel's events take place immediately after what happened in Return of the Jedi.

