
The Teirasans were a sentient species from the Teirasa system, situated in the Mid Rim's Iskin sector. This star system existed beyond the Galactic Republic's boundaries during the Pius Dea Era, a time span lasting from roughly 12,000 BBY to 11,000 BBY. In 11,660 BBY, Republic forces moved toward the Teirasa system when the Republic, then governed by the Humanocentric Pius Dea religious order, initiated the Twelfth Pius Dea Crusade against the Teirasans and the Zarracines of the Zarracina system.

Behind the scenes

Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart introduced the Teirasans in their 2012 reference work, The Essential Guide to Warfare.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)

Notes and references
