A sentient race, the Zarracines originated on the world of Zarracina III. The Galactic Republic, then under the sway of the Pius Dea, sought to seize control of their planet in 11,660 BBY, but the Zarracines resisted. Commodore Daymont Praji of the Republic ultimately gave the order for the bombardment of Zarracina III from orbit, an act that nearly wiped out the species. The remaining Zarracines became nomadic wanderers in the vastness of space, nursing a deep-seated hatred for both the Republic and House Praji that would last for thousands of years. Later, many Zarracines aligned themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Clone Wars, a group of five Zarracine extremists made a failed attempt to infiltrate the repulsorcar belonging to Tannon Praji, the chief administrator of the Coruscant Ministry of Ingress.
Hailing from the Zarracina sector within the Expansion Region, the Zarracines were a sentient people native to the planet Zarracina III. Initially, a governing body held power over them. Following the destruction of their native world by Commodore Daymont Praji and the military of the Galactic Republic, the Zarracines evolved into a relatively reclusive and nomadic society. Nevertheless, members of this species maintained a grudge against both the Republic and House Praji for a period exceeding ten millennia.

Back in 11,660 BBY, the discovery of a dependable hyperspace entry point within the Zarracina system proved significant. Given the strategic importance of this discovery, the Galactic Republic, which at the time was under the influence of the Human-centric Pius Dea religious order, made the acquisition of Zarracina III a top priority. However, the Zarracines turned away delegates dispatched from Coruscant, the Republic's seat of power. Consequently, the Republic launched a military campaign aimed at both the Zarracines and the Teirasans residing in the Teirasa system of the Mid Rim.
Facing imminent capture by the Republic, the entire governing council of Zarracina III committed suicide to defy the Republic invaders and avoid forced conversion to the Pius Dea faith. In retaliation, Commodore Praji of the Republic ordered the bombardment of the planet from orbit, plunging it into a nuclear ice age. This action resulted in the near annihilation of the Zarracine species.

Following these events, the Republic annexed the Zarracina star system, while the few surviving Zarracines embraced a nomadic existence in outer space. Many members of this species later threw in their lot with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which was established in 24 BBY and opposed the Republic during the Clone Wars spanning from 22 BBY to 19 BBY.
During that period of conflict, a quintet of Zarracine radicals, backed by the Confederacy, pursued the luxury vehicle of Tannon Praji, the chief officer of the Coruscant Ministry of Ingress, in an attempt to infiltrate it. As a consequence of the ensuing mid-air brawl between the terrorists and Ottegru Grey, Praji's protector, three of the attackers plummeted to their deaths, while Grey apprehended the remaining two and turned them over to Republic authorities.
Furthermore, numerous Zarracines joined the Diversity Alliance, an extremist anti-Human organization that was active by 24 ABY. In 104 ABY, Gabrel Treon, a physician, referenced the Zarracines' history in his article, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes," which was published in the Byblos Journal of Historical Science.
The Zarracines were initially mentioned in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji," a piece penned by Nathan O'Keefe and featured as part of the StarWars.com Hyperspace section on February 5, 2009.
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (First mentioned)
- The Essential Guide to Warfare