The Zarracina sector formed a portion of the Expansion Region, encompassing the Ashash, Selsor, and Zarracina systems. Within the Ashash system resided the waterworld of Ashash, while the Selsor system contained a celestial object of the same designation, where the forces of the Galactic Empire once executed a successful winter military operation. Upon the discovery of a stable hyperspace jump point within the Zarracina system in 11,660 BBY, the Galactic Republic endeavored to seize control of the planet Zarracina III; however, opposition from the indigenous Zarracine species resulted in a Republic orbital bombardment that plunged the planet into a radioactive winter.
Situated within the Trailing Sectors area of the Expansion Region, the Zarracina sector was located. By 0 ABY, its borders adjoined the Baroli and Tacuni sectors in the trailing direction. Concurrently, it shared a quadruple border with the Brak, Brevost, and Citlik sectors towards the Rimward, and another quadruple border with the Chaykin, Immeria, and Immerian Outback sectors in the spinward direction.
The Ashash system occupied the westernmost region of the Zarracina sector, while the Zarracina system was situated in the more easterly portion of the sector. The Selsor system was positioned near the southeastern boundary of the sector.

Within the Ashash system, a waterworld sharing the same designation served as the homeworld for a species of creature capable of emitting a detrimental gas from its anatomy. The terrestrial celestial body known as Selsor, found within the Selsor system, became the location where the Snow Hawks cold assault stormtrooper unit of the Galactic Empire successfully conducted a winter campaign.
The Zarracina system encompassed the planet Zarracina III, which served as the homeworld for the sentient Zarracine species. In 11,660 BBY, the discovery of a stable hyperspace jump point in the Zarracina system occurred. Due to the discovery's strategic importance, the acquisition of Zarracina III became a key objective for the Galactic Republic, then under the influence of the speciesist Pius Dea cult during that time. Subsequent attempts by the Republic to achieve both diplomacy and conquest of the planet proved unsuccessful. As a consequence, the Republic initiated an orbital bombardment against Zarracina III, resulting in a radioactive winter and leading to the near-extinction of the Zarracines. The surviving natives of the planet embraced a nomadic lifestyle, and the Republic subsequently annexed the Zarracina system.
The introduction of the Zarracina sector occurred within the Online Companion associated with the 2009 reference publication, The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. In 2012, Modi designed an illustrative map of the sector, which was then featured in the Online Companion's segment titled "Essential Atlas Extra: Expansion Region."
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