Tenoo Treasures

"Tenoo Treasures" is a short LEGO animated film, considered non-canon, that was released on December 12, 2023. It is a part of the LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season collection.

Official description

Two Jedi younglings, Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay, are given a task by Master Yoda to locate several items. They embark on their journey to find these items, learning a valuable lesson in the process.

Plot summary

At the Tenoo Jedi Temple, as snow gently falls, Jedi Master Yoda asks Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay to join him on a mission to collect various items: curved fern-like plants, green leafy plants, and a pot-shaped fruit from a lotus plant. The trio sets out on speeder bikes, and Solay invites Master Yoda to ride with her. As they travel through the forest, they arrive at a pond where numerous fern-like plants are growing. Yoda instructs the younglings to retrieve them.

Brightstar eagerly enters the water and pulls out several of the fern-like plants. The last one proves to be the most challenging, and he is launched into the air. However, Yoda uses the Force to cushion his fall. Solay embraces Brightstar. Continuing their mission, the younglings leap over several fallen trees. Solay steps on a branch and falls, but Yoda uses the Force to levitate her to safety. She then gathers several green leafy plants.

As they continue their adventure, they travel down a river in a boat. They spot a green lotus-like plant with a fruit that resembles a pot. Brightstar and Solay attempt to row, but Yoda instead instructs them to use the Force to levitate the object. Upon returning to the Tenoo Jedi Temple, Yoda uses the Force to arrange the collected items into a wreath, which is then hung on the walls of the building.

