Tenuuri was a modest village nestled in the countryside, located on the world of Haariden.
During the era of the Separatist Crisis, this small settlement was characterized by its closely packed, low-lying structures. The village was bordered by fields, and beyond those, forests extended toward the hills.
In the year 26 BBY, a team of scientists, under the auspices of the Galactic Senate, unexpectedly stumbled upon Tenuuri while fleeing from aggressive tribal factions embroiled in the planet's protracted civil war over rights to mineral resources, specifically the valuable but difficult-to-mine ore known as titanite. Ironically, the scientists' expedition to Haariden had been undertaken to create a comprehensive map of the very mineral that was the subject of the conflict. Their mission was part of the Senate's efforts to fairly allocate the planet's mineral wealth among its warring tribes, with the goal of establishing a lasting peace.
The five scientists of the expedition—including Fort Turan (the mission's leader), Tic Verdun (the scout), Joveh D'a Alin, Talie Heathe, and Reug Yucon—discovered Tenuuri to be abandoned, with all residences and businesses empty, as the town had been subjected to both siege and combat. However, this suited their needs, as they had found themselves caught in a conflict that was not their own. Consequently, they sought refuge in a café that, while scarred by battle, offered adequate shelter, as they awaited a rescue team from Coruscant. This team was being sent by the Jedi High Council at the behest of the Senate, in response to the scientists' desperate plea for assistance.
The scientists' refuge in Tenuuri was soon discovered by a Jedi team consisting of four members: Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Soara Antana, accompanied by their respective Padawans, Anakin Skywalker and Darra Thel-Tanis. Having searched through other settlements in their pursuit of the expedition group, they were uncertain if the scientists would be present, but after reviewing datapad information on the village, it seemed like a likely location. As the Jedi approached the village, they noticed something unusual about the surrounding trees. They quickly realized the reason: the trees of Tenuuri still had their leaves. Since their arrival on Haariden, all the trees they had encountered had been bare, their branches destroyed by conflict. However, the devastation they had come to expect since disembarking from their transport was also present here: the once-beautiful fields were now scorched.
Upon entering the deserted village itself_,_ the Jedi noticed that every house and business in Tenuuri was damaged. The wood had been burned, and piles of rocks lay scattered, some as tall as the Jedi themselves. Direct hits from blaster and missile fire had reduced the buildings to ruins. The Jedi searched through the partially destroyed structures, "kicking through the debris of ordinary lives," until they came across a café where they finally sensed the presence of the Living Force. They discovered that the scientists had concealed themselves inside an enormous oven, located in the center of the room and approximately the size of a small landspeeder.
Following grateful introductions, the scientists allowed the Jedi to lead them away from Tenuuri and across the planet's dangerous landscape—during which they faced a fierce attack from belligerent troops—until they eventually reached the safety of their transport (about eight kilometers from the village). Having provided unparalleled protection for the scientists, saving them from both relentless militants in close-quarters combat and certain starvation, the Jedi escorted the exhausted expedition team back to Coruscant.