The Tetan nobility were comprised of the noble houses originating from the planet of Empress Teta. Among them were the family associated with Sianna Sekko, along with the Keto family, who held the position of rulers. These noble houses, together with the ruling family, constituted the Tetan monarchy.
According to the Qel-Droma Epics, which are considered quasi-historical, the Krath cult was established by the corrupt noble descendants of Empress Teta approximately a millennium following the conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War. These nobles were empowered by Sith artifacts.
By 22 BBY, the Mining Guild had established dominance over the nobles, effectively seizing the authority of the ruling Keto family in practice, if not in name. Due to the guild's allegiance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Empress Teta aligned itself against the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Conversely, nobles who remained loyal sought refuge on Coruscant. Following the Separatist defeat that concluded the war, the newly established Galactic Empire reinstated these nobles to positions of authority, such as administrators within the Mining Guild or planetary bureaucrats.
During the Imperial Era, Alor Keto held the title of Emperor of Empress Teta, yet he was essentially a powerless figurehead under the control of the Mining Guild, and his health was failing. Eara Lota, Keto's niece, was the legitimate successor to the planet. The remaining members of the nobility possess a minority stake in all Mining Guild operations within the Empress Teta system, which provides them with substantial wealth. A significant number of nobles prioritize maintaining their status within various social circles, sometimes incurring significant debt in the process, or dedicating themselves to personal causes. However, some harbor ambitions for influence that goes beyond financial gain, and they pursue advancement within the Mining Guild's corporate structure.