Thalassa seed

Thalassa seeds, a variety of seed, played a significant role as a key component in crafting a favored beverage on the planet of Coruscant. The drink's preparation involved the infusion of ten cans of roasted denta beans within a mixture of thalassa seeds and heated whilk milk.

These seeds were also located on the gas giant Bespin. During 3 ABY, Torro Sbazzle, the executive chef at the tibanna gas mining settlement Cloud City, tasked Gersolik, her sous-chef, with creating a thalassa seed-infused drink while arranging a feast for the Sith Lord Darth Vader.

Behind the scenes

S.A. Chakraborty referenced thalassa seeds in their short story, "But What Does He Eat?". This story appeared in the From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back anthology released in 2020.

