Gersolik was a female Ugnaught working as a sous-chef in Cloud City, which was located on the gas giant Bespin. She worked under the Devaronian chef Torro Sbazzle. In 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire arrived on Bespin. The Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader was to be a guest of Sbazzle and Gersolik, a fact that their boss, Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, revealed to them earlier that day, which caused them both considerable alarm.
The Devaronian and Ugnaught pair were unsure of what meal to prepare for a Sith Lord, and they decided on dumplings and dessert. However, midway through the preparation, Gersolik, deeply affected by the Empire's atrocities, tried desperately to persuade Sbazzle to poison Vader. She argued that such an act would make them heroes. Sbazzle, however, refused, even after Gersolik suggested a method and further justification for the extreme action, citing the potential risks and consequences. This refusal infuriated the Ugnaught. Upon Vader's arrival, Gersolik attempted to revive the idea, but Sbazzle instructed her to return to her duties.

As a female Ugnaught, Gersolik held the position of sous-chef under the renowned Devaronian cook, Torro Sbazzle, within the airborne Cloud City situated on the gas giant Bespin. In 3 ABY, she collaborated with Sbazzle in the creation of food for a boisterous group of shipping barons, with cuttle-tick being one of the dishes. Sbazzle expressed concern that the cuttle-tick's carapace, known to be venomous, might be mistaken for something edible by the barons.
On the following day, Lando Calrissian, the Baron Administrator of Bespin, summoned Sbazzle and Gersolik to work earlier than usual due to unexpected guests. Upon her arrival, Sbazzle was surprised to find only Gersolik present, who appeared visibly anxious, as her staff was typically much larger. Initially, the Devaronian assumed she had been called in because of complaints from the previous night's guests. However, Calrissian, sweating profusely, explained that his unexpected guests required refreshments. Sbazzle, displeased that such a minor task required her presence, began to argue with Calrissian. Gersolik, determined, requested that the administrator reveal the guests to Sbazzle so that she would understand the gravity of the situation. Calrissian used a mirror that could become transparent on the kitchen side to reveal the guests in the Rinetta dining room: the Dark Lord of the Sith [Darth Vader](/article/anakin_skywalker], accompanied by stormtroopers, signifying the arrival of the Galactic Empire on Bespin.

Although Sbazzle initially failed to recognize Vader, she understood the seriousness of the situation as soon as Calrissian identified the Sith Lord, and she immediately refused to participate. Calrissian persuaded her to proceed, explaining that the food only needed to look impressive. He then informed her that she had only one hour, prompting her to dismiss him from the kitchen so that she and Gersolik could begin their work. The Ugnaught promptly stepped forward, awaiting instructions. Sbazzle, thinking of neatly consumed, bite-sized foods, requested ten cans of denta beans to be roasted, steeped with boiled whilk milk, and thalassa seeds for the drink. Next, she instructed Gersolik to peel and finely dice three jogan fruits for dumplings. When the Ugnaught questioned her choice, she explained that she believed that everyone in the galaxy enjoyed dumplings.
Midway through their work, after completing the dumplings, Sbazzle summoned Gersolik, ensuring that she had finished whipping the frella-fish roe. The Ugnaught confirmed that she had, but her voice trailed off. Confused, Sbazzle initially thought that she had tasted too much of the sense-dulling roe, but Gersolik was instead contemplating what the effects of the roe, combined with the flavor of the meringue, could mask. Meeting the Devaronian's gaze, she suggested that they create a situation similar to the previous night's venomous carapace, but directed at Vader. Sbazzle was utterly shocked by her sous-chef's suggestion, rushing over to her and whispering that the Empire would inflict terrible punishments on them if they carried out Gersolik's plan.

Gersolik, trembling with anger towards the Empire, insisted that the "monsters" of the Empire had to be stopped, especially since they had destroyed the planet Alderaan. Pointing to the mostly empty kitchen, Gersolik further highlighted the Empire's views on nonhumans: considering them unthinking, mindless animals. Sbazzle countered that this very perception was why poisoning Vader would not work, as the stormtroopers would require the kitchen staff to test every item of food. Undeterred, the Ugnaught proposed using something with a delayed effect that required time to take effect. Sbazzle listened but still refused, believing that the risk was too great, especially since there was no guarantee that Vader would even consume anything.
Gersolik continued to believe that the risk was worthwhile for a cause greater than their own lives, asserting that they would be heroes. Although she still considered the plot absurd, Sbazzle contemplated how it would unfold in her mind. She felt capable of brewing the right poison if Vader were to partake in the food, but then she thought of her family and had no intention of risking the consequences for them. She then recounted a story to Gersolik about a Jedi temple on her homeworld of Devaron, where former Galactic Republic fighters had attempted and failed to defend themselves from the Empire. Sbazzle's point was that heroes like those no longer existed, but Gersolik responded that the only way for them to exist again was to fight back.
The doors to the dining room then opened, and Vader's awaited guests—the rebels Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca—arrived. Gersolik tried to reach for the access panel to the room, only to be stopped by Sbazzle. Following a brief exchange of blasterfire, Vader spoke to his guests, chilling Sbazzle to the bone. Gersolik then attempted to continue their earlier discussion but was silenced by Sbazzle, who ordered her to immediately return to work. The Ugnaught complied, feeling furious and bitter.
Gersolik was called "Gers" by her head chef, Torro Sbazzle, as a nickname. By the time she was working for Sbazzle, she had some faint scars on her forehead. She experienced great fear when she had to cook for Darth Vader, her whiskers were trembling, and her skin turned pale. Her anger at the Galactic Empire's misdeeds motivated Gersolik to urge Sbazzle to poison Vader's food. Sbazzle, however, was motivated by a fear of punishment for such an act and refused, unwilling to take the risk, while the Ugnaught was very willing to do so. The Ugnaught was furious with Sbazzle for her lack of action. She had pink skin.
Gersolik was a character in "But What Does He Eat?," a short story written by S.A. Chakraborty and published in the 2020 anthology titled From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back.