Frella-fish roe, derived from the roe of the frella fish, served as a culinary component. The roe, when subjected to whipping, had the potential to transform into a creamy meringue characterized by its firm, cloudlike summits; however, excessive consumption typically induced a state of sensory impairment and euphoric bewilderment across the majority of species.
In the year 3 ABY, Gersolik, an Ugnaught functioning as a sous-chef, skillfully crafted frella-fish roe, achieving the precise peak consistency desired by her superior, the Devaronian head chef Torro Sbazzle. This culinary feat occurred within Cloud City, situated in the gas giant Bespin. Upon Sbazzle's inquiry regarding the meringue's readiness for incorporation into a curd, Gersolik affirmed its completion, albeit with a distracted demeanor, leading the Devaronian to infer that the sous-chef had ingested an excessive quantity of the roe during the tasting process.
The inclusion of frella-fish roe occurred in "But What Does He Eat?," a concise narrative penned by S.A. Chakraborty, featured within the 2020 compilation entitled From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back.