Whilk milk

Whilk milk was a type of milk that came from whilks, which were long-legged species of animals. Humans could drink this beverage, and it was available on the worlds of both Bespin and Juntar.

A popular drink on the planet of Coruscant used whilk milk as a key ingredient. To make this drink, one needed to infuse ten cans of roasted denta beans in whilk milk that had been boiled.

In 3 ABY, Torro Sbazzle, who was the Executive Chef at Cloud City, a mining colony for tibanna gas, told Gersolik, her sous-chef, to prepare a banquet for the Imperial Darth Vader by steeping roasted denta beans in boiled whilk milk. In 4 ABY, Jom Barell, a sergeant major in the New Republic Special Forces and a human, compared a young Imperial gunnery officer to a whilk calf and mentioned that he enjoyed whilk milk as a child.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of whilk milk occurred in Aftermath, a novel written by Chuck Wendig in 2015. S.A. Chakraborty gave the beverage its name in the short story "But What Does He Eat?". This story was included in the 2020 anthology titled From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back.

