Thank the Maker

title: Thank the Maker

A 9-page comic story, "Thank the Maker," was published in Star Wars Tales 6 and later included in Star Wars Tales Volume 2. Ryder Windham penned the story, while Kilian Plunkett created the artwork. The lettering was done by Steve Dutro, and the coloring was handled by Dave McCaig. As a standalone comic, Thank the Maker was re-released for the 2010 Hyperspace Fan Club Kit.

Narrative Overview

The story unfolds during 3 ABY, concurrent with the events of The Empire Strikes Back. On the Cloud City of Bespin, Darth Vader and Boba Fett are informed by an Imperial lieutenant about the Millennium Falcon's arrival at Platform 327. Han Solo, Princess Leia, and C-3PO, the Falcon's passengers, are greeted by Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, who escorts them into Cloud City.

Vader instructs his troops to remain hidden, asserting his command over the capture operation. The lieutenant reports that C-3PO lagged behind and was destroyed by Gamma Squad. Fortunately for the Imperials, C-3PO's companions are unaware of the incident. Vader, displeased, warns the lieutenant against future failures and demands C-3PO's immediate retrieval, stating that "its memory might contain valuable information."

Turning to Fett, Vader confirms the success of their plan. Fett suggests accelerating Luke Skywalker's arrival by spreading news of his friends' peril. Vader dismisses this, revealing his awareness through the Force. The lieutenant returns with C-3PO's remains, noting the extensive damage and suggesting the protocol droid's age based on the fragmentation pattern.

The Sith Lord reminisces about his childhood as Anakin Skywalker in 32 BBY. In a junkyard, Anakin and Kitster Chanchani Banai discover a droid's head. Kitster speculates it might be a battle droid, but Anakin disagrees due to the thin metal. They then find its skeletal structure. Watto, Anakin's Toydarian master, interrupts them, scolding Anakin and ordering him back to work.

Vader remembers.

Later on, Anakin secretly transports C-3PO home, piece by piece. Kitster questions the droid's purpose, and Anakin explains that it will serve as a servant, being a Cybot Galactica protocol droid. Anakin notices the droid's ancient balance gyro, dating back decades, and wonders how it ended up in such a state.

Following this, the lieutenant inquires whether Vader's technicians should attempt to recover the droid's memory unit. Vader orders its destruction and instructs Fett to follow him to another room to discuss the upcoming meeting with Lando.

The following day, the plan unfolds as expected, with Lando confessing to Han, Leia, and Chewbacca that he is working for Vader. Meanwhile, the lieutenant learns that C-3PO's parts were discovered in Leia's quarters. He informs Vader as the Dark Lord commands his stormtroopers to escort the prisoners to the brig.

In Leia's quarters, the lieutenant explains that Ugnaught workers reported that Chewbacca broke into the junk room, stole the droid parts, and brought them to Leia. He suggests the Rebels' interest in preserving the unit indicates its significance.

Vader again recalls repairing the damaged droid at home. Anakin tells his mother, Shmi Skywalker, that the droid needs new photoreceptors, but she warns of Watto's potential anger. Anakin insists he had to repair it, feeling pity for its condition upon first seeing it.

Reflecting on the droid's possible past, Anakin suggests it may have been damaged while trying to escape a previous owner. He persuades his mother to let him keep it, promising to take responsibility for it. Shmi agrees, stating that he can only keep it if he cares for it properly.

The lieutenant then asks Vader whether the technicians should examine the droid or the Ugnaughts should dismantle it. Before responding, Vader displays a rare moment of introspection, touching C-3PO's head to his own. Vader instructs the lieutenant to give the droid to Chewbacca, acknowledging the Wookiee's efforts to retrieve it (while dismissing it as giving the Wookiee the junk that he deserves). He then heads to the interrogation chamber for his "appointment" with Han Solo.

