"R2-D2's Rescue by the Dragonsnake" is a brief comic strip, both written and illustrated by Katie Cook, that appeared in the 2020 anthology titled From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. The story within the comic revolves around R2-D2 plummeting into a bog and subsequently being saved by a dragonsnake.
Within the Dragonsnake Bog of the planet Dagobah, a dragonsnake is peacefully sleeping, while a fish is smiling in the background. The tranquility is broken when Red Five, a T-65B X-wing starfighter, lands directly on top of the dragonsnake, causing it pain and waking it up. The X-wing begins to sink into the water, prompting Luke Skywalker, the rebel pilot, to exit and assess the situation.
R2-D2, an astromech droid of the R2 series, remains inside the starfighter. The dragonsnake watches with visible anger until the pilot cries out in distress, because the droid has fallen into the swamp. The dragonsnake then submerges itself, grabs the R-series droid in its jaws, brings him to the surface, and spits him out onto dry land. The dragonsnake and R2-D2 then exchange waves as a farewell.
The short comic strip, entitled "The Dragonsnake Saves R2-D2," was released on November 10, 2020 as part of the anthology From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. Katie Cook both wrote and illustrated the comic strip, which was the 13th of 40 short stories included in the anthology. The announcement of its inclusion was made by publisher Del Rey on November 6, 2020.
This comic presents an adaptation of a scene from the 1980 film, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, which is set in 3 ABY. The comic adopts a more lighthearted approach compared to the original scene, showing R2-D2 and the dragonsnake waving goodbye, an event that was not depicted in the film.