The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 149

The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 149 is a part of the Star Wars Marvel UK comic book series. This particular issue presents one of the initial narratives set after the events of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.

Death Masque stands out as one of the few original stories created for the UK series. Unlike other original tales, it was not included in the Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds collection. For more than three decades, this story, along with the 1988 Ewoks Annual, were the only officially licensed Star Wars stories across all media that had never been officially available in the United States. It was finally included in Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 1 in 2013.

Plot summary

Imperial Forces, under the command of Captain Dirk Balor, are trying to capture Luke Skywalker within the Lapez system. Because TIE fighters are unable to catch the elusive rebel, Balor is compelled to enlist the help of a specialist named Altin Wuho, along with his nightmare demon pet, Reist. Reist is deployed in a small pod that attaches to Skywalker's ship. Reist's special ability causes Luke to experience intense hallucinations, which ultimately lead him to crash on Lapez 3. Luke's hallucinations persist, and he is forced to witness the deaths of his friends, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Chewbacca, right before his eyes.

Luke attempts to combat the visions using the Force, but he finds himself unable to stop the hallucinations. Eventually, the spirit of Ben Kenobi manifests before Luke and instructs him to direct the Force inward, upon himself. Luke follows this advice, causing the hallucinations to dissipate and reveal Reist clinging to Luke's chest. Skywalker then ignites his lightsaber and severs the demon from his chest. Simultaneously, Altin Wuho arrives on the planet to retrieve his pet. He shoots Luke's blaster from his grasp, and Luke takes cover. At that moment, Reist reveals himself to be sentient and, with his last breath, informs Luke that Wuho is a droid, enacting a final act of revenge against his cruel master. Luke hurls his lightsaber into the droid's chest, disabling it. Luke then salvages parts from the destroyed droid to repair his crashed X-wing and departs from Lapez 3.

