The High Republic (2022) 6

The High Republic #6 marks the sixth installment of the canon comic book series, entitled Star Wars: The High Republic. Cavan Scott penned the script for this issue, while the illustrations were crafted by Ario Anindito, Mark Morales, and Frank William. Marvel Comics released it to the public on March 8, 2023.

What the Publisher Says

THE BATTLE FOR JEDHA RAGES ON! Tey Sirrek is in the middle of defending the Kyber Temple, while Vildar Mac finds himself buried alive, relying solely on his faith in the Force to survive. However, Vildar is a Jedi plagued by doubts, a man haunted by a past that should have been long forgotten. With the Holy City falling apart, who can come to his rescue? The Force is present with Vildar, but is he truly connected to it?

Storyline Summary

The comic book begins by depicting the collapse of the Protector, showcasing various moments from the Battle of Jedha. As the statue crumbles, Oliviah Zeveron rescues Jedi Master Leebon from being crushed. Both manage to escape unharmed, but they then receive a message from Matthea Cathley, who is still within the city. Cathley informs Leebon and Zeveron that the Path of the Open Hand's healing house has been destroyed and that Vildar Mac is stuck beneath the debris. Cathley requests their assistance, as she is still experiencing the aftereffects of the earlier incident in the square. Vildar Mac is exerting all his strength to support the rubble, ensuring the safety of the other civilians. He makes a promise that no one will perish, but a member of the Path holds him and the Jedi responsible for the conflict that led to the almshouse's destruction. Mac urges another civilian to attempt to reach the surface. Tey Sirrek engages in combat with a raider at the Temple of the Kyber, who demands to know the whereabouts of the Rod of Daybreak. Oklane Viss intervenes, saving Sirrek, and questions why he is out of his cell. The raider uses a blinding explosion to escape, which gives the Guardians of the Whills the opportunity to regroup. Sirrek is once again handcuffed by another Guardian, but SK-0T arrives carrying Cathley's message. Sirrek successfully persuades the Guardians to assist Cathley and the Jedi. Mac continues to struggle while trying to support the rubble. Eventually, the civilians begin to believe in him, offering encouragement and expressing their faith in his ability to save them. Mac recalls his childhood and the time when a Jedi, Master Larti, saved him and had faith in him. The rubble begins to shift, and Mac fears he has failed, but he is then surprised by the arrival of Sirrek and the other Guardians. They assist in moving the rubble, but Mac is still unable to hold it. Cathley encourages the Guardians to offer their help, even though they are not Jedi. Mac, Cathley, Sirrek, and the other Guardians collectively connect with the Force and manage to move the rubble, freeing those who were trapped beneath. They all make their way towards the Enlightenment, and although Kradon Minst attempts to deny them entry because of the city being a war zone, Mac reminds Minst of his earlier statement that the Enlightenment is a sanctuary, which is exactly what is needed for all the people fleeing the almshouse.

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