Issue number seven, titled The High Republic 7, is a part of the canon comic book series known as Star Wars: The High Republic. Cavan Scott penned the script for this issue, while the illustrations were crafted by Andrea Broccardo, Marika Cresta, Mark Morales, and Frank William. Marvel Comics officially released it on March 29, 2023.
Outside Kradon Minst's establishment, the Enlightenment, Matthea Cathley, Vildar Mac, Tey Sirrek, alongside other Jedha inhabitants, gather. Cathley desperately implores Minst to grant them entry, but Minst is hesitant. Mac and Sirrek both reinforce Cathley's request. However, as more rioters pursue the Jedi and Path members, Minst yields, allowing the citizens inside on the condition that the Jedi defend Enlightenment. Cathley and Mac confront the rioters, who accuse Mac of manipulation, leading to an attack on the Jedi. The Twinkle Sisters provide support to Mac and Cathley, triggering a clash. Mac eventually breaches a wall, halting the rioters and enabling the Jedi to secure themselves within the bar. Feric Oranalli, the Archivist, voices concerns about their confinement, but Cathley attempts to reassure him, turning to Mac to inquire about his plan. Sirrek expresses similar curiosity.
In the meantime, Oliviah Zeveron and Leebon journey from the toppled statue of the Protector to retrieve their speeders. Zeveron discovers that their speeders were destroyed in the explosion, causing some frustration. Leebon falters, prompting Zeveron to inquire about her well-being. Leebon attributes it to an old wound and affirms that the Force will sustain her. Zeveron questions if it will sustain her back to the Holy City, but Leebon insists they must remain there. Zeveron objects, citing the riots and people there, as well as the statue's fall, leaving nothing to protect. Leebon vaguely responds that she wishes that were true and activates her lightsaber, perplexing Zeveron. Subsequently, the two Jedi are ambushed by raiders.
Sirrek is taken aback by Mac's desire to merely hide within the bar. A brief argument ensues, with Cathley siding with Sirrek, emphasizing the ongoing need for their help outside. Mac contends that they are also needed where they are, but a loud noise from the back entrance diverts their attention. The entrance bursts open, and Representative Tarna Miak is thrown inside, initiating another conflict. Droids pursued Miak, the presence of which he cannot explain. Mac engages the droids, destroying them, while Minst seals the entrance with an energy shield. Mac notices Miak's injuries, and Miak mentions the numerous riots and attacks occurring throughout the city.
Sirrek suggests a connection between the events, recounting the raid on the Temple of the Kyber and noting that the raiders sought the Rod of Daybreak. Cathley expresses surprise, considering the Rod a myth and describing its supposed concealment within a secret Jedi vault on Jedha. Sirrek reiterates the need for action, to which Mac responds that it is not their fight. Sirrek is astonished by this remark and voices his feelings to Mac. Mac is then compelled to share his childhood encounter with a rogue Sorcerer of Tund, and Miak points out that the Sorcerer was expelled for embracing the dark side. Cathley now understands Vildar's behavior since arriving on Jedha, and his initial reason for coming there. The two Jedi reach a mutual understanding, and Sirrek jokingly suggests a hug. Mac is then interrupted by a call on his comlink from Zeveron.
Zeveron reports that she is in the desert, near the statue. She informs Mac that Leebon was captured by the raiders, and that Leebon had knowledge of the rod. Their connection briefly falters, and Sirrek observes that Zeveron's mention of raiders supports his explanation. Sirrek concludes that the entire riot and battle serve as a diversion from the pursuit of the Rod of Daybreak.
Upon reestablishing communication with Zeveron, she recounts experiencing the absence of the Force once again, similar to what she felt in the city. She reveals that the raiders possess her lightsaber as well as Leebon's. A raider then ambushes her, stabbing her in the back with her own saber, causing Mac to shout her name in distress into the comlink.