The Keeper's World

"The Keeper's World" is a comic book narrative that was presented as a serial spanning nine editions of Marvel Comics' Pizzazz magazine, beginning in October 1977 and concluding in June 1978.

This narrative was later republished within the UK in issues 4750_ of Star Wars Weekly during 1978–79. It also appeared in the limited-release comic book Star Wars 0 in 1999.

Plot summary

Sometime following the Battle of Yavin, Luke and Leia undertake a journey towards the Rebel installation situated within the Akuria system. Their mission is to provide safeguards against a potential sudden Imperial assault directed at Yavin 4. While en route to their destination, a malfunction caused by R2-D2, who seemingly had not undergone adequate repairs following the Battle of Yavin, results in the ship veering erratically off its intended course. After narrowly avoiding an encounter with an Imperial fleet, Luke and Leia come across four android children, each possessing the ability to manipulate the elements, along with a computerized entity referred to as "Keeper" on a world previously ravaged by war. This Keeper facilitates their escape from the pursuing Imperials.

Individual Issues

