The five-part comic series called "The Rebel Thief," with writing by Ryder Windham and illustrations by Gary Erskine, originally appeared in issues #1 through #5 of the periodical Star Wars Kids. The narrative focuses on the Rebel Alliance's acquisition of funds to replace the X-wing starfighters lost during the Battle of Yavin.
While situated on Yavin 4, Han Solo learns about a temple containing ancient Sith riches, located nearby the primary Rebel installation. Accompanied by Chewbacca, he embarks on a mission to locate the temple, keeping his intentions secret from both Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker. However, the droid Q-7N informs Leia of their scheme, prompting her and Luke to pursue them.
Upon reaching the temple, Han attempts to seize the treasure but encounters an ancient Sith battle droid. Chewbacca successfully destroys the droid, allowing them to swiftly gather the treasure and load it onto the Millennium Falcon. They depart just as Leia and Luke arrive in a landspeeder. Presuming that Han intends to keep the treasure for himself, Leia orders his apprehension upon his return.

In the meantime, Han and Chewbacca journey to Dennogra, the planet of Sprool the Trader. After landing at Zio Snaffkin Spaceport, Han steps into a cantina, where he faces an Aqualish bounty hunter. Han eliminates the bounty hunter, proclaiming, "Show's over folks! I'm looking for Sprool!"
Sprool, being an Ithorian, quickly identified himself and was invited aboard the Falcon to evaluate the Sith artifacts. Han proposed selling one of the two treasure crates, which Sprool accepted. He then requested Sprool to deliver the second crate to Jabba the Hutt as payment for the bounty on his head. Solo received 500,000 credits from Sprool, which he subsequently returned to the Rebel Base on Yavin. Before Leia could arrest him, he justified his actions and presented the Princess with the credits needed to purchase new X-wings to replenish their squadron. Confused, Leia released the guards and allowed Solo to leave without charge.
Returning to Tatooine, at Jabba's Palace, Sprool gave the Hutt Solo's second treasure crate. Jabba took the crate, but declined to remove the bounty.