X-Wing Marks the Spot

Frontmatter is preserved

The five-part comic book series "X-Wing Marks the Spot" was crafted by the pen of Mike W. Barr, brought to life through the illustrations of Ken Steacy and Glen Mullaly, and presented to the public within the pages of the magazine Star Wars Kids, specifically in issues #6-#10. It recounts the tale of the Rebel Alliance's acquisition of fresh T-65 X-wing starfighters, intended to replenish their forces after the losses suffered during the Battle of Yavin.

Plot summary

After receiving 500,000 credits from the trader Sprool as payment for a crate filled with Sith artifacts, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, accompanied by R2-D2, embarked on a journey to the Incom Factory aboard the Millennium Falcon. Upon their arrival in the star system of the unidentified planet hosting the factory, they intercepted an advertisement broadcast from a beacon by a character known as "Gears" Gilhooey. Leia discerned that the advertisement was a coded message directed towards potential buyers of the T-65 X-wing starfighters, and she instructed Han to navigate the Falcon to the coordinates provided within the advertisement.

The specified coordinates guided them to an unmapped planet, where Han encountered "Gears". In a display of skill, "Gears" overcame Han in hand-to-hand combat and unveiled his true identity as Vors Voorhorian, the very designer of the X-wing. He subsequently escorted them to the Incom factory, where Leia was ushered into a conference room to engage in price negotiations.

Luke Skywalker destroys a TIE Fighter using only his lightsaber.

In the meantime, Han and Luke, along with Artoo, discovered that the X-wings housed within the Incom Hangar were mere empty husks. Prompted by this revelation, they set out to confront Voorhorian, only to be intercepted by four guards. Displaying their combat prowess, the trio managed to disarm the guards and burst into the conference room. Voorhorian clarified the situation, explaining that even the Incom Factory was not immune to the reach of the Empire. Precisely at that moment, four Imperial TIE Fighters launched an assault on the base.

Fearing catastrophic damage should they attempt to escape in the Falcon, Luke devised a diversionary tactic. Utilizing a flexible piece of metal as a makeshift trampoline, he propelled himself into the air and sliced through the vulnerable underbelly of the lead fighter with his lightsaber. The crippled TIE collided with another, granting the Falcon precious time to make its escape.

As they fled the planet, Voorhorian directed them toward an aged, hollow, and abandoned GR-75 medium transport. He revealed its hidden cargo: a complete squadron of X-wings, tightly packed within. Just as the fighters were unveiled, the remaining TIEs located the transport and initiated an attack. The Rebels responded with swift action. Han piloted the Falcon, employing it to fend off the attacking fighters, while Leia and Voorhorian diverted power from the newly discovered X-wings to bring the transport back online. Given the GR-75's inadequate armament, the Rebels resorted to improvisation, maneuvering the TIEs into collisions with the ship's shields. Subsequently, the Falcon towed the transport back to Yavin 4.

