The helmet of the Stranger served as headwear for the Sith Lord who went by "the Stranger" throughout the High Republic Era. Constructed from contorted cortosis metal, the helmet featured a malevolent grin, concealing the Stranger's face and preventing Force-sensitives from reading his mind. While its cortosis composition could endure blows from a lightsaber, sustained impacts proved its weakness, culminating in Jecki Lon shattering it into two pieces by striking it with the pommel of her lightsaber; however, the Stranger later mended it. Furthermore, the cortosis metal induced sensory deprivation, restricting the Stranger's perception to only the Force. In 132 BBY, Verosha Aniseya donned the helmet on an unknown planet.
Neal Scanlan's creature department, specifically designer/modeller Nick Tyrrell, finalized the design and manufactured the helmet.