Void can have several meanings, including:
- Dragon Void Run: A type of competition, specifically a race.
- Intergalactic void: The expanse of space separating galaxies.
- The Void: Another designation for Chaos.
- The Void: The barren wasteland located on the planet Abafar.
- Tulon Voidgazer: A character who is a cyborg.
- Void: A colloquial expression or slang term.
- Void of Chopani: A specific area within the Chopani sector.
- Void Spider TX-3: A specific model of land-based vehicle.
- Void strider: A species that is indigenous to the Void of Abafar.
- Harridax Kirill: Also known by the moniker " the Voidwolf ".
- Void: A protocol droid.
- Voidhound: A smuggler who was a privateer for the Republic during the Cold War.
- Sisters of the Void
- Void Demons: A group of pirates.
- Void Jumper: A division of the Galactic Alliance Marines.
- Void Wings: An organization of pirates.
- Voidwolf's personal strike fleet: The personal fleet of Harridax Kirill.
- Continuum Void: A tapcafe situated on Darkknell.
- Intergalactic Void: The space that lies between galaxies.
- Keller's Void: A vacant region of the Inner Rim.
- Marcol Void: A desolate area in the Kathol sector.
- Radama Void: The area surrounding Ord Radama.
- Twilight Void: A place within the Unknown Regions.
- The Void: The desolate desert landscape on the planet Abafar.
- The Void: A region of space located within the Corellian system.
- Void Anvil: A planned station for mining operations.
- Void Demon pirate base: Located on the moon Isen IV.
- Void Imports: A store operating in the black market.
- Void of Aogros: An empty region in Wild Space containing the Quintarad.
- Void of Chopani: A vacant area within the Chopani sector.
- Void Station system: A star system in the Mid Rim. Void Station is an asteroid base.
- Voidfire Nebula: A nebula located in the Expansion Region.
- Chaos: Also referred to as " The Void " or " Hell ".
- Prophet of the Void: The title held by the leader of the Charon Death Cult.
- Void of Death: A belief held by the Charon species.
- Void Stone: A sacred relic of the Charon.
- Void Cutter: A gunship owned by Zothip.
- Void Spider TX-3 Air Taxi: A model of speeder.
- Voidraker: A freighter that belongs to Jabba the Hutt.
- Voidrunner: A starship owned by Bey.
- Voidstar: An experimental battleship.
- Chestrashi void spear: A spear used by the Chestrashi.
- The Void: A weapon of heavy caliber.
- Void-7 seismic charge: A type of seismic charge.
- Void Droid: Droids without masters that became deranged due to lack of upkeep.
- Voidfight: A term used to describe starfighter engagements in the unlit areas of deep space.
- ' Void in the Force': A term that describes individuals who could mask their presence from detection using the Force.
- Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void: A published novel.
- Emissary of the Void: A serial consisting of six parts in the New Jedi Order series.
- Star Wars (1977) 38: The 38th edition of Marvel Star Wars (1977).
- Star Wars (1977) 61: The 61st edition of Marvel Star Wars (1977).
- " A Sunny Day in the Void ": An episode from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
- The Void Terror: An article featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 3.
- The VOID: A virtual reality company responsible for creating Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire.
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