Therod-Ton was a Voss male, as defined by gender, who resided on the planet Voss throughout the duration of the Cold War. He had a brother named Bas-Ton, and he frequently went to Bas-Ton's tea shop situated in the Judicial Quarter of the city called Voss-Ka.
Sometime before the year 3640 BBY, Bas-Ton met his end and was substituted by an impostor. This substitution was orchestrated by Imperial Intelligence belonging to the Sith Empire. His offspring, Phi-Ton and Yana-Ton, remained unaware of this deception, as did his own brother, Therod-Ton. Approximately around 3640 BBY, an Imperial Agent known as Cipher Nine paid multiple visits to the tea house, feigning friendship with the family. The true reason for Cipher's visits was to gain contact and support from the Bas-Ton impostor for their combined objective of locating the Shining Man. Cipher's former adversaries eventually killed Bas-Ton's impostor, and Therod-Ton mourned the loss, remaining ignorant of the actual circumstances surrounding his brother's demise.