Timira City Cloning Facility

The Timira City Cloning Facility, a top-secret installation used for cloning, was operated by the Galactic Empire. It was situated within Timira City on the planet of Kamino. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance destroyed it in 1 BBY.


Located in Timira City on Kamino, the Timira City Cloning Facility was a significant complex. The facility included areas such as Barracks D4 and Barracks D5. A stormtrooper detachment was stationed there. Commander Cody, who held the position of Battalion Commander, mandated trench duty for all new recruits, a task he personally viewed as tedious.


Darth Vader arranged for his secret apprentice, Galen Marek, to be cloned at this location. In 1 BBY, one of the clones, known as Starkiller, escaped from the facility, wreaking havoc and causing substantial damage and numerous casualties. Another clone of Marek, Subject 1157, underwent cloning under the watch of a cloning technician, while the entire project was overseen by the Lead Cloning Technician. Clones of Boba Fett were also developed at this facility. Facility maintenance logs documented unusual events, including the collapse of a reinforced catwalk and the electrocution of a work crew by an energy substation. Involvement from members of the Acolyte Program was suspected. The Engineering Corps once received a shipment of lightsaber crystals destined for the construction of lightsabers for the Saber Guard Program.

Later, Starkiller came back, spearheading a Rebel Alliance assault on the Facility to liberate Captain Juno Eclipse. He maneuvered the frigate Salvation to crash into the facility, disabling the planetary deflector shield and paving the way for a Rebel attack. Following the conflict, Darth Vader was taken into custody, and the shattered Imperial Star Destroyers were permitted to plummet onto the Facility, causing further destruction.

