Tolemites' repository

The Tolemites' repository, alternatively referred to as the Tolemite repository, represents a building erected by the remaining members of the Tolemite species on the planet Tolis. This construction occurred after the downfall of their civilization, a consequence of the Nameless entities and the devastating blight. This structure served as the tomb for the Three Ancients, who were interred within coffins crafted from unadulterated kyber crystal. The knowledge possessed by these Ancients constituted the true essence of the repository. The Tolemites' subsequent civilization also met its demise in a cataclysmic flood, leading to the repository's submersion beneath the ocean. Millennia later, during the period known as the High Republic Era, Jedi Knight Reath Silas and former Jedi Master Cohmac Vitus journeyed to Tolis on a visited quest to uncover the knowledge held by the Tolemites. Utilizing the Force, the duo raised the submerged building from the water, revealing the coffins containing the Three Ancients, and Silas came to understand the real significance of the Tolemites' repository.

