Tookreek, a male Kadas'sa'Nikto, was the proprietor of Tookreek's Cantina. His establishment was located at Dreviad Outpost on the world of Tatooine. He operated his cantina during the era known as the Cold War between the forces of the Galactic Republic and the newly reconstituted Sith Empire.
On the arid planet of Tatooine, Tookreek served as a lieutenant within the gang led by Diago Hixan, a reclusive crime lord. In addition to this role, he was also the owner of a cantina situated in Dreviad Outpost.
At some point around 3643 BBY, Tookreek arranged a meeting at his cantina with a smuggler captain. Following their discussion, Tookreek consented to escort the smuggler captain to Lightspring, the location of his employer, Diago Hixan. It was there that Vaverone Zare, a Sith, and Nariel Pridence, a Jedi, ambushed Tookreek and Hixan. This ambush prompted a deranged Hixan to command his security droids to eliminate everyone present, including Tookreek.