The Tracked Mobile Base (TR-MB) represented an Imperial prototype vehicle, heavily armored and designed to transport a commander alongside six stormtroopers into combat zones, while simultaneously serving as a mobile command hub.
The TR-MB's development stemmed from the same initiative that brought about the creation of the Battlefield Holographic Control Interface. This BHCI was a sophisticated command and control system, offering commanders a comprehensive and interactive view of the battlefield, all from the safety of an orbiting starship.
The TR-MB, which debuted in 3 ABY, was a prototype ground vehicle that brought the BHCI technology to the ground, positioning it closer to the active combat area. General Brenn Tantor, a primary user of the BHCI technology, utilized it during his final battle on Abridon, where he successfully eliminated a Rebel base and thwarted Beri Tulon's attempted desertion. However, when Grand General Malcor Brashin, who oversaw the BHCI project, ordered Tantor to decimate a refugee camp, Tantor refused. Consequently, Brashin dispatched Tantor to Kalaan, where he was incarcerated, with the TR-MB accompanying him.
With assistance from several stormtroopers loyal to him, Tantor escaped and defected to the Rebel Alliance, taking the TR-MB with him. The Rebels enhanced the vehicle by integrating a shield system, boosting its defensive capabilities. Tantor then employed the TR-MB as a mobile command center during the rescue of Tulon from the Tarkin Detention Facility located on Ruul and in his subsequent capture of the computer installation at Sounder Flats.
By that point, Rebel engineers had successfully reverse-engineered a BHCI unit for Tantor's use from orbit, a setup he found preferable. Regardless, the TR-MB saw further action when Tantor seized the shipyards of Sayan and destroyed the Imperial forces stationed in the Abridon city.