Trusk Berinato

Trusk Berinato, a Q'Itane individual hailing from Upper Etrega, was male and maintained a friendship with Bail Organa. On the planet Crait, he utilized mining droids for labor within its mines. In the era of the Galactic Civil War, Berinato orchestrated a scheme to draw Leia Organa and her associates into his mine, intending for a squadron of SCAR troopers to ambush them. During a confrontation, he inflicted a shoulder wound upon Han Solo with a blaster shot, only to subsequently suffer a hand injury from Leia's blaster fire.

Behind the scenes

The character of Trusk Berinato made his debut in Star Wars: The Last Jedi – The Storms of Crait 1, a comic book one-shot published by Marvel in 2017. The story was penned by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker, with illustrations provided by Mike Mayhew.

