Tyro Viveca

Tyro Viveca, a hunter renowned for pursuing exotic creatures, embarked on a journey. Prior to his three-day voyage aboard a Ugor starship to Kashyyyk with the intention of hunting a terentatek, he pilfered Maz Kanata's Smuggler's Guide. The theft occurred at the Rasher's Rest cantina on Athus Klee, where he snatched the guide from Dexter Jettster while the Besalisk was visiting the latrine. Upon arrival, Tyro documented the visit in the stolen Smuggler's Guide, praising the Thikkiiana spaceport's efficiency and cleanliness, which he attributed to the Galactic Empire's governance.

Venturing ten kilometers beyond the tree line, Tyro discovered a seasonal Trandoshan camp used for hunting Wookiee pelts and scalps. There, after comparing weapons, Tyro's, manufactured by Drearian Defense Conglomerate and the huntmaster's, manufactured by Tenloss Syndicate, Tyro learned that a previous group of Trandoshans had constructed a pit with sharpened stakes, dubbed "The Makeshift Arena." At Tyro Viveca's encouragement, the Trandoshans released enraged animals from their cages into the arena: first, a crawler with serpentine features and dripping pincers; then, a bristled prowler with stubby claws and large ears. Tyro and the Trandoshans wagered on the outcome, and Tyro won by accurately predicting the prowler's demise within two minutes, attributing his success to observing bursa-baiting on Ohma-D'un, a moon of Naboo, and monster fights on Geonosis.

Leaving the Trandoshans, Tyro was still unsuccessful in his search for signs of terentatek. Before setting up camp, Viveca burned a nest of young sureggi, hoping it would make their mother not view Tyro as threat. Later, Viveca discovered terentatek tracks in the lower levels of the jungle canopy, where sunlight was absent, forcing Tyro to use luminous fungus for illumination. Eventually, Tyro located a terentatek and confronted it. Hondo Ohnaka found the Smuggler's Guide in the lost and found of Thikkiiana City, and wondered about the fate of Tyro Viveca.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (First mentioned)

Notes and references
