Ubuugan fleshborer

Fleshborers of Ubuuga were a parasitic species of winged worms that originated from the swamps of Ubuuga. These fleshborers spent the majority of their life inside a host's body, only leaving to locate a new host. When a suitable host was located, they would shed their wings and burrow into the host's skin. They possessed the ability to dissolve certain metals using corrosive secretions. While Rodomium was susceptible to these secretions, Mandalorian armor exhibited resistance.

The native Ubuugan inhabitants of their homeworld developed natural defenses against these parasites and considered them a delicacy.

Volpau, who was the third cousin of Emperor Palpatine, met his end due to fleshborers while visiting Ubuuga, although the cause of death wasn't immediately clear. His body was placed inside a rodomium casket and transported back to Coruscant aboard the freighter Mingula for ritual incineration. En route, the fleshborers emerged, resulting in the deaths of the Zylurian crew.

The renowned bounty hunter Boba Fett detected the ship's distress beacon and boarded, hoping to salvage valuable items. Finding no signs of life, he sent his prisoner, Tsumo, in first to assess the danger. While searching for treasure in the ship's cargo hold, they were attacked by a swarm of fleshborers. Tsumo perished, but Fett survived due to the durability of his armor. He then detonated an explosion, destroying the ship and, presumably, the worms.

However, some of the fleshborers managed to infest Slave I, where they were consumed by Fett's other prisoner, the Ubuugan named Chung, who considered them a tasty snack.

