The Unbreakable functioned as the flagship for Admiral Corleque of the Galactic Empire, and it was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. When the Scourge infected the droids aboard the Executor, which was the flagship belonging to the Sith Lord Darth Vader, Corleque was sent with his Star Destroyer and a fleet of four additional vessels. Their mission was to obliterate the Executor, eliminating everyone, including Vader and Admiral Firmus Piett. However, Corleque paused briefly because Piett had previously delayed a transport by four seconds in order to rescue him. This hesitation gave Vader and his droids sufficient time to reactivate the fail-safe mechanism, which deactivated all droids on the Executor. Nevertheless, the Scourge then infected Corleque's own flagship, and its fail-safe was non-functional, having been destroyed. As he had previously, Piett waited four seconds, but Corleque was not successful in controlling the Scourge. Piett then commanded the other ships to open fire on Corleque's flagship, resulting in its destruction. Corleque survived this ordeal, but he was penalized with a demotion for permitting his Star Destroyer to be overcome by the Scourge.
content="Darth Vader (2020) 37 (First appearance)"
content="Darth Vader (2020) 38"
content="Darth Vader (2020) 43 (Mentioned only) (In flashback(s))"
content="Darth Vader (2020) 45 (Mentioned only)"
content="Darth Vader (2020) 46 (Mentioned only)"