Unexpected Company

title: Unexpected Company

The second episode of the Star Wars Forces of Destiny animated micro-series' second season is called "Unexpected Company". It was made available on March 19, 2018.

Official description

Ahsoka accompanies Anakin on a mission that was initially planned for him and Padmé alone. Annoyed by this unexpected addition, Anakin alters their course, leading them directly into a Separatist blockade. The trio is forced to reconcile their differences to successfully navigate through the blockade.

Plot summary

Anakin Skywalker is greeted by Senator Padmé Amidala and her staff as he disembarks from a T-6 shuttle on Coruscant. Padmé expresses her gratitude to Anakin for joining her on this particular assignment. Once Amidala's staff departs, Anakin confides in her, mentioning the lengths he went to in order to participate in this mission. Padmé expresses her eagerness to spend quality time alone with her husband. However, their moment is disrupted by Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, who apologizes for arriving late and informs Anakin that Master Obi-Wan Kenobi dispatched her to assist with the mission. Anakin shows his displeasure, but Padmé welcomes Tano.

The T-6 shuttle lifts off from Coruscant and initiates a jump to hyperspace. During their journey through hyperspace, Tano observes that Anakin has modified the established flight trajectory. He explains that he is pressed for time. Tano cautions him, but it's too late, that their current path is dangerous due to the presence of a Separatist fleet in that specific sector. The shuttle abruptly exits hyperspace right in the middle of a squadron of Munificent-class star frigates. Padmé and Tano head to the gunnery stations, while Skywalker maneuvers the ship through the heart of the enemy fleet. Tano expresses her admiration for Padmé, and Anakin voices his agreement.

As Padmé and Tano are manning the guns, Skywalker pilots the T-6 shuttle past a Munificent star frigate. The T-6 shuttle is nearing the end of the fleet gauntlet when Padmé is hit by a cannon blast. Anakin embraces Amidala and comforts her, assuring her that he has her. Padmé expresses her gratitude to her husband. Tano pilots the ship through the remainder of the Separatist fleet as Skywalker and Amidala watch with smiles. Tano then guides the ship into hyperspace. Upon reaching their urban destination, the T-6 shuttle touches down on a sky pad. Skywalker expresses his appreciation to Tano for her presence, while Padmé comments to Tano that she and Skywalker formed an effective team. Tano responds that Padmé and Skywalker also make a great team. Padmé thanks Tano.


