Hasty Departure

"Hasty Departure" marks the beginning of the second season of the animated micro-series Star Wars Forces of Destiny. Its initial release occurred on March 19, 2018.

Official description

Sabine and Hera manage to free an Imperial shuttle; however, Sabine's haste results in them boarding the incorrect vessel, which is teeming with troopers! Chopper pilots the correct shuttle and executes a mid-air rescue of his comrades.

Plot summary

Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren infiltrate a base belonging to the Galactic Empire during a clandestine operation aimed at acquiring medkits from a Lambda-class shuttle. Hera questions Sabine's certainty about selecting the right shuttle. Sabine believes it is the only shuttle present. Hera expresses doubt and instructs the C1-series astromech droid, Chopper, to await them at the designated meeting point. As a sizable crane shifts numerous medkit crates, revealing a second shuttle on the left, the pair stealthily boards the ramp of the initial shuttle. Hera and Sabine depart in the first shuttle, leaving Chopper to express his confusion with beeps on the second shuttle's ramp.

Hera tasks Sabine with inspecting the cargo alongside Chopper. Instead, Sabine discovers seven stormtroopers, fully armed, within the passenger area. Sabine swiftly returns to the cockpit and disables the controls with blaster fire. Sabine alerts Hera that they are on the wrong vessel just as the stormtroopers initiate cutting through the cockpit door. Hera maneuvers the shuttle erratically, causing the stormtroopers to lose their footing. Hera inquires about Chopper's whereabouts.

At that precise moment, Chopper arrives in the second shuttle and communicates via the comlink. Sabine instructs Chopper to position the ship nearby and lower the rear ramp, as they intend to jump across. Sabine discharges her blaster at the transparisteel windscreen, but Hera activates a switch to remove the windscreen entirely. Chopper aligns his shuttle's rear exit with the front of Hera and Sabine's hijacked shuttle. Sabine jumps aboard Chopper's shuttle. As the stormtroopers breach the cockpit, Hera fires at the ship's controls before jumping onto the ramp. Sabine assists her in climbing aboard.

The stormtroopers enter the cockpit just as their shuttle makes its descent to the ground. Aboard Chopper's shuttle, Hera and Sabine find themselves surrounded by crates filled with medkits. Hera remarks that the mission was unnecessarily difficult. Sabine offers an apology for her haste and failure to confirm the existence of a second shuttle. Hera assures her that they obtained their objective. The two rebels then join Chopper in the cockpit, with Sabine expressing her gratitude to the astromech droid.


