Unidentified astronomical object (Marda Ro)

A unique marketplace was situated on a planet-like celestial body. In 379 BBY, Marda Ro, the Evereni who initiated the formation of a pirate band that would evolve into the Nihil, journeyed to this marketplace as part of her quest to find others of her species. During her visit, Ro noticed a Jedi and engaged with him. She questioned whether the Jedi had a Padawan, and when she learned that he did not, she launched an assault. Instead of killing the Jedi, Ro transported him to her starship, the Gaze Electric, where she informed Rox, a member of her band of marauders, that the Jedi was still alive but would soon wish she had ended his life on that world.

Ro later referenced the celestial body in a message intended for her descendants, choosing to keep the location's identity a secret. By 252 BBY, when he was young, Ro's great-great-grandson, Marchion Ro, had heard her journal, and that included the message that mentioned the celestial body.

Behind the scenes

The celestial body was shown in a flashback within the short story "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," penned by Tessa Gratton. It was featured in the 2023 young-adult collection titled The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, which is part of the broader Star Wars: The High Republic initiative.

