Unidentified black-mustachioed Sanyassan

A member of the Marauders, a band of Sanyassan pirates, was a male with a black mustache. These pirates were marooned on the forest moon of Endor after their ship crashed ninety-six years prior to the Battle of Yavin. This individual, a Sanyassan, lived in the Marauders' Stronghold alongside his fellow pirates, all under the command of their King, Terak. Together, the Marauders terrorized the Ewoks, the peaceful natives of Endor.

By 3.5 ABY, this mustachioed Sanyassan found himself stationed in the Stronghold's dungeons, working alongside an elderly colleague. Their duty was to watch over the detainees. During this time, Wicket Warrick, an Ewok, and his companions arrived to free their friend, Cindel Towani, a Human female imprisoned on King Terak's orders. The intruders, aided by the swift Teek, instigated a dispute between the wardens. As a result, they shot each other with their blasters and collapsed.


A Sanyassan male with black hair and a mustache became part of the Marauders, a pirate group, by 96 BBY. These Marauders journeyed in a hijacked spacecraft from their homeworld, Sanyassa IV, to the Endor system. They were stranded on the forest moon of Endor due to the unusual stellar phenomena surrounding it, a fate shared by many space travelers. For decades, the Marauders functioned as a military unit, bringing fear to the native Ewok species of the forest moon. Their leader was Terak, a ruthless warlord who proclaimed himself King.

Years later, in 3.5 ABY, the mustachioed individual was assisting the older Marauder prison warden in guarding Terak's prisoners: a group of Ewoks and a young Human girl named Cindel Towani. To alleviate the boredom of their duty, the two Sanyassans engaged in card games, using metallic scraps as betting chips. Unbeknownst to them, Noa Briqualon, a Human hermit, his companion Teek, and the Ewok Wicket Warrick infiltrated the castle, hoping to liberate the prisoners.

The two Marauders were playing cards when Teek tried to seize the keys.

Teek, possessing the characteristic speed of his species, darted toward the warden to steal the cell keys from his belt. The mustachioed Marauder was oblivious to Teek's actions due to his incredible speed, so the card game continued. When the old warden won the next round, a card was revealed to have been hidden in his sleeve. The Marauder with the black mustache accused his opponent of cheating and stood up to confront him. The situation escalated, and in a fit of anger, both men drew their blasters and fired simultaneously. Both were wounded and fell to the floor. Teek had secretly placed the card in the warden's sleeve to provoke the argument. The mustachioed Sanyassan and his colleague remained incapacitated, allowing for the successful rescue of the prisoners.

Personality and traits

According to Wicket and Noa Briqualon, Cindel Towani's friends, this card player was among the most unpleasant and unattractive Marauders they had encountered. He had thick, greasy black facial hair, a cleft chin, and an underbite. He also had a long mustache with vertical extensions that grew down the sides of his mouth.

The dark-haired Marauder was quick-tempered, a common trait among his species. He immediately accused his opponent of cheating and was ready to fight. When the argument escalated into a brawl, he confronted the warden with his blaster drawn.

Behind the scenes

The moustachioed Marauder sustains a blaster shot.

This Marauder, distinguished by his black mustache, played a minor role in the 1985 television film Ewoks: The Battle for Endor. Although Michael Pritchard and Johnny Weissmuller Jr. portrayed the two card players, they were only credited as "Card Player #1" and "Card Player #2."

The film does not explicitly state whether the Sanyassan's blaster wound was fatal. However, the children's book adaptation, The Ring, the Witch, and the Crystal: An Ewok Adventure, mentions that he simply "collapsed on the floor." Sanyassans are known to possess tougher hides than Humans. In the film, the card-playing Marauders spoke their own language without subtitles, but some of their dialogue was translated into Galactic Basic Standard in the children's book.

The physical appearance of this dark-haired Sanyassan is similar to that of the "Marauder of Endor," a criminal featured on a wanted poster in the 1993 book Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas. Both characters share the same black forelocks, "mushrooms lining eyebrows," cleft chin, horseshoe mustache, and underbite. Furthermore, the unidentified criminal was described as a "known associate of Terak." However, Lucasfilm official Leland Chee, who oversees the Holocron continuity database, has deemed the book in which the "Marauder of Endor" appeared as non-canonical, even if the character was intended to be the card player.

