Unidentified Chaf task force

A specialized unit tied to the Chiss Chaf family sought to acquire a large starship carrying survivors from Lesser Space, the region of the galaxy that extends past the Unknown Regions. Circa 27 BBY, after the task force seized the starship, Mitth family Syndic Mitth'ras'safis, known as "Thrass" (core name), together with a human woman, absconded with the vessel. Both intended to present the alien technology found onboard to the Defense Hierarchy Council of the Chiss Ascendancy government. However, severe damage to the ship prevented them from reaching their destination, resulting in a crash landing.

Behind the scenes

The Chaf task force's existence was revealed in the Star Wars canon timeline through flashbacks featured in the 2021 book Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, which concluded Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy. This task force is analogous to the Star Wars Legends continuity's Chaf fleet, which captured the massive Outbound Flight starship before it was commandeered by Syndic Thrass and the Human Jedi Lorana Jinzler in the 2006 novel Outbound Flight, also penned by Zahn.

