Unidentified female Sith Saber

This is how the frontmatter should look:

- sith
- saber

This female Sith Saber was a member of the Lost Tribe of Sith. These Sith existed in the time period following the Second Galactic Civil War. As part of Sith Lord Viun Gaalan's team, she was dispatched to retrieve the Sith apprentice Vestara Khai from Dathomir in 43.5 ABY. After capturing a number of Nightsisters, the Saber, along with Gaalan, Gaalan's aide, and a male Sith Saber, remained behind to await Khai's return with one last Nightsister. However, before Khai could return, Luke Skywalker, accompanied by his son, Ben Skywalker, and the Force-sensitive Dyon Stadd, attacked the Sith. The male Saber was quickly killed while Gaalan fought the elder Skywalker. The female Sith Saber then engaged Stadd, who proved elusive, using acrobatics to avoid her attacks. After assisting Ben Skywalker in killing Gaalan's aide, Stadd and Skywalker jointly attacked the Sith Saber. Stadd fired his blaster pistol at her, but she deflected the shot towards Ben Skywalker, who then sent it back towards her. The deflected bolt struck her weapon hand, causing her to stumble backward. At that point, Stadd shot her in the gut, and Skywalker then beheaded her.

