A clandestine operative belonging to the GenoHaradan, a covert organization comprised of professional assassins, operated during the period of the Great Galactic War that saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. The year 3663 BBY saw the assassin receive orders to terminate a Muun ambassador; the assassin tried to kill their target while the ambassador was surrounded by numerous individuals. Nevertheless, the astromech droid designated T7-O1, charged with the Muun's protection, discharged a stun blast into the surrounding throng, causing the assassin to lose hold of their blaster and escape amidst the ensuing pandemonium. The assassin evaded capture, leading the ambassador to step down from their position to prevent further attempts on their life.
The GenoHaradan assassin's existence was referenced within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game that came out in 2011 from the collaborative efforts of BioWare and LucasArts.