A Muun fulfilled the role of ambassador during the Great Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire. In approximately 3663 BBY, the GenoHaradan, a clandestine group of assassins, targeted the ambassador; however, the Republic Strategic Information Service, which functioned as the Republic's intelligence arm, could not provide adequate protection due to internal corruption. Consequently, the SIS sought assistance from T7-O1, the astromech droid companion of Jedi Master Ven Zallow, tasking the droid with safeguarding the ambassador. When T7-O1 identified the GenoHaradan assassin within a group of people, it fired a stun blast, causing the assassin to run away. Following this incident, the Muun official, fearing future attacks, decided to resign from his position. Two decades following this, in Twenty years, T7-O1 investigated the subsequent life of the man, discovering that the former ambassador had lived a long and healthy life because of the droid's actions.
The Muun ambassador was originally mentioned in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game that was launched in 2011 by BioWare and LucasArts, specifically during the "The Assassination" conversation with T7-O1, who is a companion character for the Jedi Knight class.