Unidentified liege

A ruler of the male Ukian variety held power on the agricultural world of Ukio during the era of the Clone Wars. The planet became a target for the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which led the Galactic Republic to deploy a special team under the command of Jedi General Keelyvine Reus to Ukio, with the goal of reinforcing its defenses. The ruler engaged with Reus's Padawan apprentice, Tyzen Xebec, proceeding to showcase his planet's shield generator facility to Ganch, the clone trooper commander working with the Padawan. As the inspection unfolded, a Confederate warship arrived in the area and blanketed a section of the defensive sphere with an obscuring substance, specifically electro-magnetic soil originating from Moorja. This blocked sunlight from reaching Ukio's vital crops.

In a state of panic, the ruler collaborated with the Republic to briefly deactivate a segment of the shield, hoping to eliminate the obscuring material. While this strategy proved effective, it inadvertently created an opportunity for a Confederate invasion team, led by the tactical droid known as "Doctor," to land on Ukio and commence Project Instinction. The Doctor's device caused living beings nearby to descend into a state of violent madness, including the ruler. Although Xebec ultimately thwarted the Doctor's plan and resolved the crisis, the ruler was removed from his position soon after the conflict.


The Jedi team

The liege comments on Xebec's age.

When the galactic Clone Wars erupted in 22 BBY, the Galactic Republic grew concerned that Ukio was a target of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Consequently, a task force under the command of Jedi General Keelyvine Reus was sent to the agricultural world to ensure the strength of Ukio's defenses. At the time, the planet was governed by a male Ukian ruler, who was assisted by another member of the same species, Destor. The ruler and Destor personally welcomed the Republic's inspection team at a designated landing zone. After Destor conducted a security check, the new arrivals were permitted to disembark. The group consisted of clone troopers led by a Padawan, the Zabrak Tyzen Xebec. The ruler expressed surprise at the Zabrak's youth, expecting someone more experienced. Nevertheless, Xebec welcomed Ukio back into the Republic's fold after its brief separation prior to the war.

The Padawan requested a comprehensive inspection of the planetary shield generator by his soldiers, and the ruler readily agreed, proud of his planet's defensive capabilities. The ruler did object to Xebec's plan to interact with the local population to gain a better understanding of Ukio, but Ganch, the Clone Commander, quickly intervened, and the inspection began. At the Ukian shield generator, the ruler elaborated on the various security measures in place to ensure the planetary shield's continuous operation. The commander was impressed, but then startled by a stampede of gigaun outside the generator facility. The ruler calmly explained that the creatures were harmless and that their subsonic calls aided in the germination of Ukian grain, making them essential to Ukio's ecosystem.


The facility soon received an orbital warning, and almost immediately afterward, darkness engulfed the planet as a [black](/article/color-legends], cloud-like substance obscured the sun. Communications were quickly disrupted, infuriating the ruler, as the planet's farmers would be unable to work in the dark. A faint transmission eventually came through from the Republic flagshipJedi Generals Reus and Kit Fisto were in holo conference with Admiral Dron. Reus informed the ruler that a Confederate Lucrehulk-class battleship had deployed Moorjan soil, an electro-magnetic and photosensitive material, onto the planetary shield. The substance would adhere to the shield and orbit Ukio's sun, perpetually blocking its light. This plunged the ruler into a state of panic, as the sensitive Ukian crops would perish without sunlight. In desperation, he suggested briefly deactivating the planetary shield to allow the cloud to dissipate. Reus and Ganch both advised against this action, as it was likely the Confederacy's intention.

The liege demands answers from the Republic.

Enraged, the ruler confronted Ganch, emphasizing the importance of preserving the crops for the Republic. Reus consulted Captain Pharl McQuarrie, an officer aboard her ship, about whether opening the shield would disperse the cloud; he confirmed that it would. The General authorized the ruler to deactivate a small area of the shield, the same size as the obscuration, for a brief period of fifteen minutes. The timing was critical, as it would allow the Republic fleet to reach the Confederate presence as the shield was opened, enabling Dron's forces to prevent the enemy from entering Ukio's atmosphere. As instructed, the ruler deactivated the shields on schedule, effectively dispersing the cloud.

Upon demanding a status report after the shields were reactivated, the ruler received confirmation from his technicians, and sunlight returned to Ukio. However, a new problem arose: the gigauns were stampeding off their usual paths and onto the crops. The ruler despaired once more, shocked that the gigauns had never strayed before. Commander Ganch quickly left the facility at the ruler's request to investigate the disturbance. Realizing that they had averted one crisis only to face another, the ruler flew into a rage, destroying a control panel with his ceremonial staff. The problem was eventually resolved when Padawan Xebec discovered the source of the disturbance: neural scrambling devices that caused living beings nearby to become violent, which had also prompted the ruler's outbursts. Xebec and General Reus destroyed the devices and defeated the Confederate commander, a T-series tactical droid known as the "Doctor."

As the Republic forces recovered after the battle, the ruler was removed from his position. Angered, he declared that his final act would be to formally expel the Republic presence from his world. He confronted Generals Reus and Fisto, demanding their immediate departure. The turmoil surrounding Ukio during the battle had caused the planet's stocks to plummet so severely that Corporate Alliance Magistrate Passel Argente was able to acquire the world's economy outright. While the Republic had achieved a tactical victory, the Confederacy gained control of the planet as a consequence.

Personality and traits

The liege insists the Republic depart Ukio.

The Ukian ruler referred to troublemakers as "riff-raff" and was reluctant to have them present when welcoming the Republic's inspection team. He also disliked his assistant Destor's gloomy attitude and encouraged him to be more positive. He was surprised to learn that the inspection team would be led by a young Zabrak, expecting a more senior representative from the Republic. The ruler was also curious about the concept of clone troopers being subordinate to someone as young as Padawan Xebec, even though the clones were technically younger than the Zabrak. The ruler took pride in Ukio's technological capabilities, particularly its renowned planetary shield, but he was hesitant to allow foreign parties to interact with his people.

In times of crisis, the ruler struggled to maintain composure and was prone to panic, anger, and despair. He was willing to jeopardize the security of his planet solely to save the Ukian crops, believing they were more important. When the Confederate tactician droid Doctor activated neuroscramblers, the ruler fell victim, succumbing to a violent fit. Although the Jedi thwarted the Doctor's plans, the ruler remained furious even after the battle, retaliating by having the Jedi removed from Ukio after losing his position. The ruler wore a red cape and carried a ceremonial staff while in office. He had pink skin, like most Ukians, and blue eyes.

Behind the scenes

The ruler first appeared in the webcomic The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, written by Pablo Hidalgo and published in 2009. He was introduced in the sixth installment of the comic. The comic was released weekly in conjunction with season two of the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and was illustrated by a rotating set of four artists: Thomas Hodges, Grant Gould, Jeffery Carlisle, and Daniel Falconer.

