During the Clone Wars, Keelyvine Reus, a Human female Jedi General, found herself burdened with Padawan Tyzen Xebec after Cad Bane, a bounty hunter, slew Xebec's former Master, Bolla Ropal. She joined forces with Admiral Dron and Jedi Master Kit Fisto on a mission to Ukio, a crucial agriworld providing food for the Grand Army of the Republic. The [battle_of_ukio] ensued due to the emergence of the Confederate tactical droid known as "Doctor," and his plot to devastate the planet's crops. Xebec and Reus, among others, were instrumental in securing a Republic victory.
Subsequently, Reus and Xebec were dispatched to the Valsedian asteroid belt, a critical mining site allegedly sold to the Confederacy by Torpo the Hutt. Given the Hutt Cartel's control over the asteroid belt, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine hesitated to risk diplomatic relations. Reus, Xebec, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano infiltrated the mining facility. They split up to investigate the alleged Confederate presence. Reus encountered Asajj Ventress, a Confederate agent, and engaged her in combat. She discovered that Jabba Desilijic Tiure had manipulated Torpo. Despite this, the Jedi successfully freed the Ugnaught workers at the facility.
Jedi Master Dooku, a demanding instructor, taught Keelyvine Reus the art of lightsaber combat. Reus, a Human female Jedi Knight, later served as a General during the Clone Wars. In this galactic conflict, the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic fought for dominance. Reus was assigned a Padawan learner, Tyzen Xebec, a Zabrak male. After Cad Bane, a bounty hunter allied with the Confederacy, slain Xebec's former Jedi Master, Bolla Ropal, following a battle on Devaron, Reus became Xebec's mentor. She also inherited Ropal's clone trooper commander, nicknamed Ganch. Reus, along with fellow Jedi Kit Fisto and Admiral Dron, commanded a Republic fleet, including a Venator-class Star Destroyer and two Consular-class frigates.

The fleet was sent to Ukio, a crucial agriworld for Republic troops' food supply. Upon Dron's announcement of their arrival, Reus ordered the frigates to establish a sentry line and the fleet to go on yellow alert. Despite Fisto's inability to detect danger, Reus insisted that unseen threats were the most dangerous. A clone informed Reus of an incoming intelligence update from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Reus paused the briefing until Xebec arrived on the bridge.
Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu contacted Reus and Fisto. The briefing commenced upon Xebec's arrival. The Jedi and Dron discussed Ukio's role in the war with Coruscant. Windu explained that Ukio was vital not only to the Republic but also to the entire Abrion sector and Triellus Trade Route. Grand Master Yoda had prevented the planet from seceding from the Republic before the Clone Wars. Kenobi noted the planet's divided citizenry and political turmoil, making it a target for Confederate agents like Asajj Ventress or even Count Dooku. Xebec questioned the Confederacy's interest in Ukio, as their droid army did not need food. Reus reminded him that their goal was likely disrupting the Republic's supply.
Clone Intelligence suggested that Ukio was a potential Confederate target. However, a powerful planetary shield protected the planet. Reus consulted a readout and noted the shield's strength, which puzzled Kenobi, as there were no reports of Confederate fleet movements near Ukio. Windu instructed the Jedi to scout the planet's surface, suspecting Confederate sympathizers or saboteurs among the Ukians. Reus complied. After the meeting, Reus and Fisto decided to maintain orbital patrol and perform sensor analysis on the planetary shield for weaknesses. Reus ordered her Padawan to survey the planetary defenses on Ukio's surface. As Xebec left, Reus confided in Fisto that she found the Padawan reckless and unfocused. The Nautolan assured her that she would eventually connect with him through the Force.
Dron alerted Reus and Fisto to an incoming signal. Ukio's satellite network detected a lone Confederate Lucrehulk-class battleship over Ukio, concerning Reus. The ship's presence was suspicious but posed no real threat to Ukio's shield. Fisto suspected it was a lure to draw the fleet away. Reus ordered Dron to hold their position while she and Fisto scouted in their Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptors. Reus deployed in her personal fighter, joined by Fisto, heading towards the enemy battleship.
Upon reaching the enemy craft, Reus noticed it deploying modified, unarmed seismic tanks. Puzzled, she observed the tanks approaching the planetary shield and releasing a cloudy black substance. Fisto began diagnosing the substance while preparing to engage the tanks. Reus realized destroying the tanks would not prevent the release of the substance. While Fisto transmitted his findings to the fleet, she had her astromech droid attempt to contact Dron. Communication was fragmented due to the battleship jamming frequencies. Dron informed her that he had forwarded Fisto's material to the fleet, which had made several findings. Acknowledging Dron's message, Reus and Fisto returned to the fleet for clearer communication.

Back on the flagship, Reus and Fisto joined Dron to hear a report from Captain Pharl McQuarrie. The captain identified the substance as soil from the Moorjan badlands—an electro-static compound that would cling to the planetary shield. Reus inquired about the soil's impact. McQuarrie assured her it was not damaging. However, the photoreactive soil would move across the shield with the planet's orbit, perpetually blocking Ukio's sun. Reus understood the implications: the Confederacy would create a perpetual eclipse, depriving Ukian crops of vital sunlight.
Breaking through the jamming, Reus contacted the Ukian Liege. She informed him of the situation, which displeased him. The crops were highly sensitive and could not lose more sunlight. The liege suggested dropping the shield to disperse the Moorjan dirt. Reus and Ganch, who was with the liege, advised against it, believing it was the Confederate's plan. The Ukian protested, stating the Republic would soon have nothing to defend. Reus consulted McQuarrie, who confirmed the plan would scatter the soil. Reus relented and instructed the liege to drop the shields in fifteen minutes in a size only as large as the cloud and as briefly as possible. She ordered Dron to take the fleet to the Confederate battleship, emphasizing the urgency. As they approached, communication would be lost due to jamming. They needed to be there when the shield dropped to prevent enemy craft from getting through. The Jedi also aimed to destroy the battleship.

Reus returned to her fighter and, with Fisto, led Blue Squadron, composed of V-19 Torrent starfighters, into combat against the Lucrehulk-class battleship. She instructed her fellow pilots to close formation for her flagship to have a clear line of fire. As they approached, the Liege dropped the shields on schedule, dispersing the cloud. The enemy battleship deployed Vulture droids to engage the Republic fighters. A chaotic dogfight ensued as Reus and her pilots fought enemy droids and the remaining seismic tanks. Amid the carnage, three Confederate Sheathipede-class transport shuttles broke through the shield and landed on Ukio.
As the battle raged in space, Reus tried to contact Xebec, but communication was still jammed. The Confederate battleship's destruction ended the signal jamming, relieving Fisto. However, atmospheric ionization prevented Reus from contacting Xebec. She decided to head to the surface to assess the situation and meet her Padawan. Attempting to contact Ganch, she was connected to an Agricultural Corps worker named Sanya, who directed Reus to her Padawan and lowered the planetary shields.

The Jedi Knight found her Padawan fighting Confederate troops near a landed Sheathipede-class shuttle in an Ukian field. He had destroyed a series of devices that had caused most beings on Ukio to go berserk. Although Xebec had defeated the battle droids, the Confederate mastermind, a T-series tactical droid known as "Doctor," had cornered and disarmed him. As the droid closed in on Xebec, Reus arrived, lightsabers drawn, and defeated the enemy commander. Reus, relieved her Padawan was safe, explained how she found him and commended his actions. Ganch had been affected by the Doctor's devices but was detained by Xebec.
After the battle, Reus, Fisto, Xebec, and Sanya gathered at a landing pad for debriefing. The Doctor's devices had localized and temporary effects. Health checks showed most workers and clones had regained mental stability. Reus instructed Xebec to have Ganch round up the gigaun herds that had run rampant. She applauded Sanya's efforts before the liege approached. The Ukian, furious, demanded the Republic forces leave immediately. He had been stripped of his position and, as his last act, formally requested the Republic's departure. The Ukian stock had plummeted due to the battle, allowing Corporate Alliance Magistrate Passel Argente to purchase the planet, placing it under Confederate control.
Reus, Xebec, Sanya, and Ganch returned to Coruscant aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer, Selfless. Before leaving, Reus assured Sanya her service would be mentioned to the Jedi Council. Ganch reported his full recovery before Captain Rex approached with a priority message from the Council: Reus and Xebec were to report to the Jedi Temple immediately. Ganch and Sanya took leave to use the Republic Service Organization, and the two Jedi went to the temple. There, they met Jedi Masters Yoda and Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine via hologram, along with the astromech droid R2-D2.
Palpatine began the briefing, expressing concerns about the Republic's alliance with the Hutt Cartel. Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a powerful cartel member, was worried about his cousin, Torpo the Hutt, who had made a deal with the Confederacy. Reus was immediately concerned about Republic trade routes, but Palpatine reassured her the issue was not as critical. The Valsedian asteroid belt, a key source of fuel ore, was in question. The law stated the asteroid belt would remain under Hutt control but could not be sold to the Confederacy, which Torpo had violated. The alliance with the cartel prevented a full investigation into Jabba's intelligence and stopped the Republic from sending a full military force to Valsedian. Instead, a small task force of Jedi, including Reus, Xebec, Skywalker, Kenobi, and Tano, would be sent under the guise of smugglers.
Generals Reus and Kenobi were tasked with leading the investigation and negotiations, while Skywalker would pilot. Before leaving, Reus contacted Ganch, informing him he was not needed for the Valsedian operation. Reus went to the Jedi Archives and pondered the bust of Dooku, the last of the Lost Twenty to be immortalized there. Kenobi joined her, and they discussed the man who was now the enemy's figurehead, the nature of the mission, and its political implications, which Reus disliked. The group took Skywalker's G9 Rigger freighter Twilight, with his Aethersprite-class interceptor in the hold, and departed Coruscant.

As the Twilight approached the asteroid belt, Skywalker boarded his interceptor and flew separately, serving as a contingency. Xebec piloted them to the asteroid and landed the freighter in a cave. Due to the lack of atmosphere, the Jedi wore breath masks. The narrow tunnels interfered with their sensor readings. Kenobi instructed Tano and Zybec to investigate smaller tunnels due to their size. Reus took umbage at Kenobi instructing her Padawan without prior consultation, as in her opinion the young Zabrak required "special consideration." As Kenobi and Reus entered an area with artificial atmosphere, they encountered a Twi'lek. Reus drew her lightsaber and demanded the Twi'lek take them to his master. The Twi'lek protested, claiming his master was far from Valsedian. As Kenobi manacled the Twi'lek to the wall, he identified himself as Bib Fortuna.
The Jedi, believing the Twi'lek to be dim-witted, persisted until Kenobi sensed danger to the Padawans. As he left, Reus tried to get more information from the Twi'lek, asking about Torpo's location. The captive revealed Torpo was on the asteroid, confusing Reus. Then, Force-sensitive Confederate agent Asajj Ventress appeared, wielding her lightsabers. Reus ignited her weapons and engaged Ventress in a duel, attacking with surprising aggression. They exchanged words as they fought. Reus recognized Ventress's paired lightsabers as a sign of Dooku's training. Although Ventress claimed to fear nothing, Reus recognized her fear of Dooku from her own experiences as his pupil.
As the duel continued, Ventress freed the Twi'lek captive, urging him to leave. The combatants moved towards an area with artificial walls. Reaching a deadlock, Ventress slashed at the walls, revealing Torpo. The panicked Hutt urged Reus to evacuate him and remove the Confederate forces from Valsedian. As Reus and Torpo spoke, Ventress moved behind Torpo and killed him instantly. Puzzled, Reus allowed Ventress to hurl her into a wall with the Force. Ventress then threw Torpo's corpse at Reus, holding her captive until she could escape.
Reus eventually freed herself and found Kenobi, Xebec, and Tano had freed the Ugnaught workers held captive by Ventress's thugs, and Skywalker had destroyed the enemy's Vulture droid contingent. Reus revealed Torpo's fate. One of the Ugnaughts noted that Torpo was not the true master but acted under Bib Fortuna's direction. Skywalker knew Fortuna as one of Jabba Desilijic Tiure's henchmen. Reus revealed Fortuna had escaped during her duel with Ventress. Skywalker was outraged that Jabba had manipulated them, selling Valsedian to the Confederacy and arranging for the Jedi to tie up "loose ends." Upon returning to Coruscant, Reus and Xebec reunited with Ganch and Sanya, who had spent their leave hunting a saboteur who had plotted to kill clone troopers at the RSO.

Keelyvine Reus, a Jedi of few words and a rigid disposition, openly voiced her personal Jedi beliefs to Master Kit Fisto. He assumed these beliefs were a maxim from Master Yoda, but she dryly corrected him. Fisto's lightheartedness, along with Obi-Wan Kenobi's similar nature, did not sit well with Reus. The constant back-and-forth between Kenobi and Skywalker was a source of her discontent. Furthermore, she frequently found fault with Skywalker, especially concerning his association with Palpatine and his complaint about foreseeing the Valsedian situation, where Jabba Desilijic Tiure's involvement was uncovered. The Jedi Knight even made a scornful remark about Skywalker's designation as the "Chosen One." Reus consistently refused to engage in levity with her Jedi colleagues when they sought to lighten the mood.
Reus's relationship with her Padawan, Tyzen Xebec, was tense, and she had little patience for his lateness, viewing him as inherently unfocused and impulsive. She shared her concerns with Fisto, who reassured her that there was no singular method for training a Padawan, and she would discover her own approach. Subsequently, Reus became irritated when Kenobi gave instructions to her Padawan, as she believed Xebec needed specialized guidance and that autonomy was not always beneficial at his current stage of development. While Kenobi argued that independence was crucial in a Padawan, Reus countered, once again pointing to Skywalker's development as an example to the contrary.
In the face of a threatening scenario, such as a Separatist vessel arriving at Ukio, Reus took swift action, choosing to personally conduct reconnaissance. Her unwavering focus stemmed from her lightsaber combat training under Dooku, a master who abhorred indifference and demanded perfection from his students. Her time as Dooku's apprentice instilled in her a fear of disappointing her instructor, a trait she recognized in Asajj Ventress during their encounter on Valsedian. Dedication and focus were recurring themes for Reus: When Fisto began to think that Reus was developing affection for her Padawan, she dismissed it as merely concern for the mission's success. During the Valsedian operation, Reus showed no interest in any kind of covert or clandestine behavior, and she readily drew her weapon upon first meeting Bib Fortuna. When fighting Ventress, she displayed an unusual level of aggression for a Jedi, and her opponent was surprised by Reus's unwillingness to speak during their duel. However, later during the Ukio operation, Reus demonstrated concern for Xebec's safety and was relieved to find him unharmed. She also commended his performance during the battle, as he had nearly single-handedly repelled the Separatist invasion. Furthermore, the Jedi was deeply impressed by the actions of the AgriCorps worker Sanya during the conflict.
During the initial phase of the Ukio conflict, Keelyvine Reus showcased her combat prowess by destroying several orbiting seismic tanks. Furthermore, she was a proficient lightsaber duelist, particularly skilled in Jar'Kai due to her dual lightsaber usage. Her training in lightsaber combat under Dooku enabled her to contend with Asajj Ventress, another of Dooku's pupils, in a duel. Reus also used her sabers to eliminate the Separatist leader known as "Doctor."
Keelyvine Reus favored green, unconventional attire instead of standard Jedi robes, sometimes adding a cloak. She also wore green lipstick that matched her green eyes. Her brown hair was styled into a bun secured with two hair sticks.
Keelyvine Reus made her debut in Part Five of the webcomic The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, released in 2009. Thomas Hodges designed the character, while Pablo Hidalgo named, illustrated, and wrote the comic. In a single frame of Part Five of Act on Instinct, a clone naval officer mistakenly refers to her as "General Geus." The character later reappears in the 2010 sequel to Act on Instinct, The Clone Wars: The Valsedian Operation, which Hodges developed at the story level and Hidalgo scripted.