Unidentified maneuver (Thrawn)

As a student at Taharim Academy, specifically a cadet, Thrawn conceived of a maneuver that enabled starships to avoid being detected by adversaries during battle. This technique allowed the user to become practically invisible by positioning their ship directly behind an enemy ship, matching its course, effectively concealing it from other hostile vessels.

Formerly known as Mitth'raw'nuru, Thrawn faced accusations of academic dishonesty on an examination, despite consistently achieving top marks within the academy. The truth was that Thrawn had employed the maneuver, achieving a score significantly higher than any previous student. The exam was a combat simulation designed to prevent repeated runs with identical parameters. Thrawn maintained his innocence but lacked the means to substantiate his claim, as the simulation could not be replicated exactly. Irizi'ar'alani, a senior cadet, intervened on Thrawn's behalf in the cheating charge by summoning General Ba'kif, who demanded a practical demonstration of the maneuver in a combat scenario.

The instructors at Taharim were aware of the specific parameters used in Thrawn's original exam. Ba'kif structured the combat exercise to mirror these conditions, and Thrawn successfully executed his stealth maneuver during the simulated battle. Consequently, Thrawn's innocence was definitively proven.

Years later, now Senior Captain Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo), he utilized the same maneuver during an infiltration of the Rapacc system on a reconnaissance mission in 19 BBY. At that time, the Rapacc system was under blockade by the Nikardun Destiny forces, a threat then unknown to the Chiss Ascendancy. This maneuver enabled Thrawn and Mitth'ali'astov to reach a mining station, where they encountered the Paccosh species and gained crucial intelligence about the Nikardun.

Behind the scenes

The stealth maneuver employed by Thrawn was first introduced in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, penned by Timothy Zahn.

