A marsh-lord from Safrifa, a planet of swamps, was a Safrifan who hailed from that world. This marsh-lord, a member of a clan, resided on their homeworld with their son during the High Republic Era. In 231 BBY, a rival clan abducted their son, which led them to enlist the help of Ty Yorrick, a mercenary, to rescue their child. Yorrick, motivated by the promise of substantial payment, conducted a bloody rescue mission, successfully recovering the son and delivering them back to the marsh-lord in exchange for novian ore. Following her return to her ship, the mercenary contemplated her time spent on Safrifa, specifically the marsh-lord's extraction assignment.
Cavan Scott mentioned the marsh-lord in his novel The High Republic: The Rising Storm, which was part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative and was released on June 29, 2021. Before the book's publication, StarWars.com included a reference to them in a preview of the novel on April 22 of that year.