Unidentified Mirialan woman

A female Mirialan was present at the Raik's Parlor gambling establishment on Coruscant, a planet situated within the Core Worlds, during 382 BBY. She engaged in roulette games with other individuals, including a Rodian patron and Axel Greylark, who was the son of Kyong Greylark, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Throughout the night, the woman enjoyed playful banter with Axel as they exchanged piles of credits during their gaming sessions.

Following one of the rounds, the Mirialan and Axel continued their flirtatious exchange, discussing Lady [Lu-reen Faraday](/article/lu-reen_faraday], Axel's previous romantic interest, in the presence of Raik, the Utai owner of the establishment, and the Rodian. Ultimately, she arranged her credit winnings into stacks, bid Axel farewell, and left.


While at Raik's Parlor, the Mirialan played roulette with Axel Greylark.

The woman, a Mirialan, lived during the High Republic Era and visited Raik's Parlor, a gambling den located on the [planet](/article/planet] of Coruscant in the Core Worlds, in the year 382 BBY. That year, she participated in roulette games alongside other patrons of the establishment. She enjoyed her [time](/article/time] there, flirting with Axel Greylark, the son of the Republic Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark. She won several rounds of roulette against him as they exchanged piles of credits throughout the night. The woman also became acquainted with a Rodian patron who was at their table.

As Axel won a round of the game, after losing for most of the night, the Mirialan and the Rodian remained at the table while other players departed. The woman teased Axel about drinking fine Chandrilan whiskey from his flask, jokingly commenting on his former romantic partner, Lady [Lu-reen Faraday](/article/lu-reen_faraday], finding the other woman's name amusing. The pair briefly continued conversing about his losing streak at roulette before their flirtations ceased when the Mirialan questioned if he was secretly a Jedi, a comment that upset him due to his dislike for members of the Jedi Order.

While she drank another beverage, the Rodian left their roulette table after the Utai owner of the establishment, Raik, informed him that he lacked sufficient credits for the next buy-in. The Mirialan stacked her winnings into neat towers, then caressed Axel's face, telling him to enjoy his time while she and others in the galaxy earned their own fortunes. She departed when he pushed her hand away, and he dismissed thoughts of the woman as he reached for the table's roulette cues to play again.

Personality and traits

The Mirialan enjoyed flirting with Axel Greylark, especially as she continued to defeat him in roulette. She found some aspects of Axel's affluent lifestyle silly, such as his decision to drink expensive alcoholic beverages, and considered the name of his rich former fiancé Lu-reen Faraday ridiculous. The woman disliked losing to Axel and decided to leave with her winnings rather than risk losing in another round. The Mirialan had [green](/article/color] skin with black diamond-shaped marks on her cheeks and slender fingers.


While at Raik's Parlor, the Mirialan carried credits with her, eventually leaving the establishment with her stacks of roulette winnings.

Behind the scenes

The Mirialan appeared in Convergence, a 2022 novel by Zoraida Córdova as part of Phase II of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

